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mine-laying npc's?


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I have mastered making NPC's throw grenades, now I want them to lay mines. When I put mines into an NPC's inventory they never use them. I would have been surprised if they did. Has anybody done any work with this?


1. Is there a good idle animation to use, when an NPC lays a mine? For example, the player may be sneaking behind the NPC and could watch. I would rather not have the mine suddenly blink in.


2. Normally, the player can walk on their own mines. Can an NPC set off their own mines by walking on them? That will be difficult, since I will need to manually guide the NPC away from the (dynamic) mine location.


3. It seems I will need a pretty large number of AI packages and a random number generator to select, in order to have an NPC lay mines in several random locations. Is there a model for this which I can follow, or any suggestions on how to script this?


4. Is it possible for an NPC to detect the player's mines? A clever player can carefully approach an enemy mine, disarm it, then lay it again (even in the same spot). I'd like the NPC to do the same thing, against the player.

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