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Future Mods?


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I was just wondering with all the excitement if anyone is already brainstorming some mods.

I know I know, it's really early - especially since I haven't seen a formal "there will or will not be modding tools"

But! I would assume they'd let us mod it. Thats part of what makes TES great IMO.

So, anything rolling around in your heads out there?

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DoF and AO, different shaders, are probably one of the primary mods I will be wanting. It's essential for the right ambience in these games.


I am really hoping Bethesda finaly introduces a full fledged weather system, but that has been a long time coming. If they don't end up delivering on that, weather is a major mod I'll be looking for.

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I'm surely thinking about TES V Skyrim!

i just hope it comes with CS or something similar or then i, and all modders around the world are doomed!

i already gave up about "great mods for oblivion iv" so i'm ready to clear my mind and focus on skyrim!

i can't be disappointed, or i'll scroll back to elder scrolls iv, sadly

and as usual, start from small to big(ahem, medium) mods!

i do all my mods myself so they are mostly not public and small\medium type so:i could do a new race or even a pack, take a year... :wallbash:

or a simple script, a day!

medium:one week to two

hard:one month

REALLY HARD:uh.... dunno!

and so on!

i really take long since i'm the lazyest person in the guiness book :biggrin:

i could NEVER do a big mod like deadly reflex, it takes too much resources and anims and textures and script hassle with headache as result....

but yeah IF skyrim gets launched as a fully moddable game like its antecessor i'll surely try doing big scaled mods without anyone's help(as usual) and make it somewhat public...

i generally help other modders, but i never accept any help in exchange, my damned pride! 8) :ermm: :no:

Edited by DragonSlayer667
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DoF and AO??


Depth of field and Ambient occlusion.


You mean that's not already going to be there??? :huh:



My answer's going to be largely based off what's present in the original release of the game, especially in how this Radiant Storytelling stuff will be shaping it. I would love to add some warring factions, and Solstheim (of course!)

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