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Mod Dialogue and Merging


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Okay, I have two questions that I have tried googling, and looking on various forums, having found nothing, I'm asking them here.


Question 1: I understand how to make dialogue and use voice overs, generate .lip files and whatnot. I understand all of that and the processes involved in doing that stuff, what I want to know is, is it possible to edit and voice over rumor dialogue and if so how? because I have looked at the filtered dialogue for NPCs, looked at the actual dialogue bubble, and used the quest tab and I cannot find rumor dialogue. (I don't want to edit the actual text, I'm just making a custom race and want to do the voice overs completely.) Any help on that question would be much appreciated.


Question 2: Mod Merging: I don't understand what Mod Merging is. I thought it was combining two esp files together into one file as long as they don't conflict. However when I use TES4Gecko, I combine two plugins that are marked as mergeable in Wrye Bash, and it'll make a new esp, but can only be used if the other two esps that were merged are also checked off in the active mod list. Am I missing something? Because that seems to defeat the purpose of merging if all its doing is adding another esp to my already growing amount. Any help on this question would also be very much appreciated.

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Well I don't know about modding the rumour dialogue and whatnot. But if you already tried the quest tab and the dialogue bubble and got nothing, maybe you could try extracting the two oblivion voice bsas and seeing if theres anything significant in there? I don't know how to edit rumour dialogue, but atleast you could try finding the file path concerning rumour dialogue in there.
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