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CYOA: Take a guilt trip down memory lane.


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Welcome to this CYOA.

I will be taking you down the memory lane of some random person with random memories, presenting you with options to take in ameliorating the past of this random person.


I don't have a real plan for this. Some of my real memories may be included by accident. Just assume they are all fake, however. I'm making this up as I go.


And so we begin.



You wake up with a shudder. Looking up, you can start to make out the clock next to your bed as your eyes adjust. It's three in the morning.

Last night you did what you do just about every night, spending a good solid 10 hours on the computer and web, playing video games and chatting, studying and goofing off. The last time you've seen a friend since coming into college was a good three weeks ago, and that was just you tagging along with him to watch a movie.

On your desk is a lukewarm cup of coffee, a picture of your mother and father who you haven't spoken to in the last year, and your dog. Yes, your dog.


You lay back down. After about five minutes of staring at the ceiling, you sit up.

Going back to sleep isn't an option; you can never go back to sleep once you wake up. So you get out of your bed to start your day.


You put a shirt on and go towards your door, looking to get a midnight snack from the 7-11 near campus, and kill some time afterwards. You put your shoes on, and open the door. Light bursts into your room, swathing you and everything in sight. When you can see again, you glance down to see a brick-paved road beginning at the foot of your door, surrounded by grass on either side. You bring your head back up and see that the road extends for what seems to be miles and miles. Despite the bizarre circumstances, you decide to take a walk.


After about a hundred yards, a gateway of some kind comes into view, along with a road to the right leading into. Curiosity taking over now, you take the road right and head towards the gateway. Once there, you see a portal leading to a room that looks vaguely familiar. You enter and find yourself in a decidedly grayscale world. Something feels amiss about your body, and objects seem to tower over you. You turn 360 degrees, and see a mirror, and what is in the mirror. Your younger self.


Suddenly it clicks, you have returned back to your room at home, away from college. You have returned to your younger self. But why?


No sooner did you ask the question when your mother comes into the room and finds you staring at the mirror. "Hey honey, lets go downstairs and get some lunch for you, huh?"


You follow your mother downstairs, the whole situation seeming all too familiar. Yes, it is noon, you can tell now from the way the lights pass through the windows, and how it reflects on your skin, on you, the only colored person in this bizarre reality.

You arrive at the kitchen, and on the table is a salad. Suddenly you swell up with frustration; you HATE salads.


Before you know it, you


A. Throw a tantrum. You HATE salads.

B. Ask your mother why you're having a salad.

C. Yell at your mother and stomp upstairs.

D. Sit down and have the abhorrent salad.



And at the end of this first chapter, I feel like I've wasted a tremendous amount of time. Forgive me for wasting yours. Haha.

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I'm sorry if this seems to be getting off to a slow start. I'm doing this partially to help remove my writers block so that I can get back to writing for school, so bear with me please.


"Mom, why are we having a salad today? Don't you know that I don't like salads?!"

Your mother has an apologetic look on her face. "I'm sorry honey, but I didn't feel like heading out to buy something for you today. Mommy's been feeling real tired lately."


She puts her hand up to her mouth for a moment and gulps down a glass of water. Something isn't right; what did she just do?

Suddenly you can understand that she just snuck a pill in front of you. But you remember this day happening before, but don't remember her sneaking a pill. You sit down in front of your salad, frantically searching the memories behind this day.

Your mother spend the next three weeks after this staying in bed, with your dad never really coming home, you remember. Why was that? You never cared to bother before, so why now? It was something about the pills she just snuck. You also remember that before, you threw a tantrum about the salad and demanded that your mother make you something else. She didn't oblige, and you were hit in the face, sent to your room crying.

You can see the lines around her face, her eyes look very tired, and her movements are sluggish. Not wanting to be a nuisance anymore you tell your mom, "I'm sorry."


Much to the surprise of your mother, you eat your salad. She looks at you funnily, with an amused expression on her face. When you are finished with your salad, getting ready to get back upstairs to find a way back into the road, she stops you before you make it to the steps. "Do...do you want to go to the mall with me, honey?"


Once again you feel your younger body taking over your emotions. Your body wants to go upstairs and play some video games. Your mind wants to get out of this grayscale world. You say,


A. "No thanks, mom. I just want to go upstairs and play."

B. "Not really, going to the mall is so boring."

C. "Sure, mom, can we take a friend, too?"

D. "No, mom. There's something wrong with you. What's wrong?"

E. Don't say anything and go upstairs.


So I've decided that each segment will give you choices that can either change the past, leave it alone, or ruin it. You decide which one to choose. Each one either has a positive, negative, or neutral affect. Some more than others.

Edited by DrunkenGamer
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