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Wolven Anthros- Scripting

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I've been talking to the creator of the Wolven Anthros, tiffawolf, and I asked her if it was possible to make the different colours available as races. However, her scripter has aparrently quit on her, and she doesn't know how to use the scripting.


I decided to have a go at figuring it out, but my knowledge of scripting is next to nothing xD

I figured that I needed to change certain values to use the new race's ID, but that's about it. So, I thought I'd ask people who actually know what they're doing to help me xD


With the original Wolvens, you have the ability to transform into a wolf, and to summon wolf companions. There's also an auto equip script to add wolf feet to the player.

I made a duplicate of the race with the ID 'Wolvenanthrosbrown' and allocated all of the textures, ears and tail meshes ect. Now I want to get the scripts to work.


So, here's the original wolven script:


Main Mod Script



I thank you to the ends of the earth if you actually read this post xD

All I could figure out on my own was changing the 'GetIsRace' to use 'Wolvenanthrobrown', and saved that as a new script to be used for the brown wolvens. However, I always get an error at the end saying 'Variable 'WolfFrom' unreferenced in local context'. See, I have no idea what this means so...xD; So if anyone could help, that would be great :D


Oh, and 'WolfFrom' is supposed to be typed that way; I guess it was a typo in the script and didn't get corrected.


Figured it out. I needed to save it as a quest script p:

Edited by Guest
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