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See through Models


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Alright i am having an issue while importing any Nif files into Blender. when ever i import them they become see through (i have tried the doubleside button in blender, but maybe i am not using it right) I have tried everything i can think of to search around for the problem but they all go back to the Duble side Button which i can't seem to get working, anybody have any other suggestions or places i can go to for some help with this?



They one on the left is what i get right as soon as i import it into Blender.... On the right is the SAME file but just opened straight in Nifskope (an Oblivion Nif). Probably going to feel real stupid about the solution to this one >.<

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There might be some settings in blender u can do to enable the double sided rendering and alpha threshold.


Alpha threshold cause u probly also notice seeing the outline of the mesh surrounding the opaque textured part.


I dont know how to do it cause i never felt it was necessary to have just to work on the mesh.


It is not a problem tho and after you export if u have the double sided button on it will automatically give the parts the nistencilproperty and your flags should default correctly also.

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Once i export it out of blender it shows in game this way as well, i had everything that needed to have two sides to it confirmed for double side and it still exporting see through. Yes it has a stencil property in Nifskope but those read exactly how you said they should. That out line you are seeing in the photos is just where i turned it so that you actually knew something is supposed to be there >.< . it is almost like it is a one sided sheet of paper
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@baduk Not sure what all is or isn't relative but i am posting screens of one item piece and all the subcategories besides the texture one (which i can post as well if you need) Anything else you want to see let me know :) . The Original OB file is up on the left and My Nif (the one that works in game) is on the right


@Quetzlsacatanango Yep they are right that was one of the first things baduk mentioned to me about it in PM, plus you mention it on your tutorial :D I just wish it had been something like that but as i said i am still probably going to feel stupid about the solution >.<



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I dont know anything about oblivion nifs, so i dont know if i can help you well enough.


The one problem is clear on the nif but I dont see why it would affect rendering of double sided texture.

fallout 3 nifs have bsdismemberskininstance instead of niskininstance. This is for vats and dismemberment to work.

You should use bone weight copy script to rerig the armor in blender. It will make you have the bodypart vertex groups u need.


On the other stuff, i didnt know on oblivion it uses nistringextradata for binormals and tangents.

I dont know if it got properly imported and placed on the nitristripsdata of the fo3 nif.

Maybe it helps to recalculate normals for each object in blender before u export.

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Well I am going to go back on all of the models i am working on and do a marathon to fix all of the little issues like that when done, the see through problem happens as soon as i import the Oblivion file into Blender, so i was thinking it was my settings on import but i have since looked up a few other tutorials (OBlivion/Morrowwind/Fallout) and have tried all the suggestions they say as well as trying a bunch of the setting themselves to see if that might have helped as well.


and as far as this

On the other stuff, i didnt know on oblivion it uses nistringextradata for binormals and tangents.

I dont know if it got properly imported and placed on the nitristripsdata of the fo3 nif.

Maybe it helps to recalculate normals for each object in blender before u export.

Have no clue what you mean or even what it does...>.< I haven't even reached apprentice level in models yet... I guess you could call me a budding Noob :D


**EDIT** Not to say that i dont want to learn though :)

Edited by Riven1978
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That sounds good. the problem might magically fix itself. been known to happen.


Anyway, to recalculate the normals facing out just hit control n in edit mode.

I dont have any idea why it might have an effect on double sided, probably nothing.


Infact there is no reason to believe the nifscripts does not automaticaly handle that tangent and binormal stuff.

I really dont understand anything about them tho.

If u click on em in nifskope u can see they are pointing all perpendicular to each other.


Its in the block details of the nitristripsdata. U cant do it on oblivion tho cause its all stuck in the nistringextradata.


It got me wondering about how normals work, and i found this nice article. its actually comprehensible unlike all that mathematical mumbo jumbo on wikipedia.



Makes sense that u would want to have all the data organized for real time rendering.

Edited by baduk
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Okay I tried recalculating the normals like you said with ctrl+N and Shift+ctrl+N for the reverse as well but that just placed the texture face on the inside . I have yet to figure this problem out and it is really irrigating because it severely limits the things i can work on converting >.<. Anyway if anyone knows how or of a place I can goto to resolve this problem I would really like the advice, I have been through a ton of sites through Google but may have missed something key in the resolve.
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