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Hmm, draw normals using Ctrl+N might not always work properly on detailed meshes and such. Try selecting that invisible part of the mesh in object mode, switch to edit mode, then enable Draw Normals under Mesh Tools and More in the bottom header? NSize is the size of the line that protrudes from the face. Preferably, you want everything facing the outwards from the center, so you might have to select all the inward faces and flip them manually using Flip Normals in the Mesh Tools box. That might not be the reason why that part is invisible though. Also, enabling double sided usually applies a NiStencilProperty on export, however, the problem with this is that the lightning usually will muck up if the normals are facing the wrong way anyway in that light hitting that part will darken while the opposite side lightens. All depends on what direction the normals are facing, which hopefully is outwards. Also, if I remember correctly, Alphas display a little wonky when using the texture display in Blender. If it works fine in NifSkope, it will probably work just fine in Fallout, Oblivion, and or New Vegas, probably, unless your hierarchy is really screwed but I doubt that.
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I was hoping someone would come along and offer a fresh perspective on the issue. but its been a couple days.


Ok if you havent solved it yet, then if u pm me a link to the nif i can have a look at it, get it working in game or whatever and let u know what is wrong.


I just didnt see anything else on the screenshots you posted, but maybe tinkering with it a little will help me understand whats going on.

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