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How do i add an .OMOD to Oblivion?


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First, download the archive, and save it anywhere (you might want to make a new folder on your desktop or something where you can place all of your downloaded mods.)


Once it's done downloading, open the archive and look for the oblivion mod file, or omod file. (This should have the oblivion logo next to the name of the file.)


Now, simply click and drag that file to your Oblivion\Data\obmm\mods folder.


Open up OBMM, and the mod should be in the list, with a green square next to it, meaning it is ready to install. (If you had OBMM running at the time you moved the omod to the mods folder, you might want to close OBMM and re-open it so that it picks up the newly added mod.)


Now, just double-click it to install it. It should take you through an installation process, where you can customize all of the options it asks.


Once you finish the installation process, the box next to the name should be blue, meaning it is installed, and you are now ready to play with it!


P.S. As a newcomer to modding, I strongly recommend looking over this site: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#How_do_I_install_mods.3F. It teaches you all the basics of downloading and installing mods.

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