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Creating Incedinary Ammo


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So for the last couple of days I've been brainstorming ideas on different types of ammo and effects the ammo could have. Finally deciding to dive into the project today I've stumbled across some problems.


Right now I'm trying to create ammo that when it hits a target, sets them on fire. The problem I found was how limiting the Ammo Effects category is(only allowing things such as damage modification, etc). So I tried this work around.



I created a effect under "Game Effects > Actor Effects" named "00WeapFlamerEffect" & I gave it the type "Actor Effect", I also tried it as "Addiction", and added 2 effects;


"Flamer Burn: Magnitude 0: Area 0: Duration: 3:Range Touch: Cost 0"

"Flamer Fire Damage: Magnitude 15: Area 0: Duration 3: Range Touch: Cost 0"



I created a script under "Miscellaneous > Scripts";


ScriptName 00FireE

Begin ScriptEffectStart

addSpell 00WeapFlamerEffect




I created a new ammo under "Items > Ammo" and underneath "Impact Script" selected the above script I had saved, "00FireE".


Saved the file booted up FONV only to find that after shooting someone they were not set ablaze.


I've also tried different variances of the script above such as;


ScriptName 00FireE

ref rVictim

Begin OnHit

set rVictim to GetOwnerLastTarget

rVictim.addSpell 00WeapFlamerEffect



So any help that someone can offer is appreciated.

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The dart gun is not visible to players in FNV, but it is there, and there is a dart gun mod which exposes it. You have said that ammo is limited, but lots of mods have different kinds of poison darts. Have you tried to trace out the dart effect? It is a projectile which casts a spell. The command "cios" (cast immediate on self) is used. I think if you trace this out, it may be more clear how to cause a fire.


BTW, at some point, you will have problems when the objects you create start with numbers. For certain script syntax, this will cause an error. You may want to use like "aaa" instead. I use the three initials of the mod I'm working on.

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Alright I solved my own problem. Anyone that wants to know how I just posted a tutorial on what I did to create the incendiary ammo.


Link to Tutorial



Also thank you davidallen for your response. I finally figured it out by breaking down the 40mm Incendiary Ammo and following to the four corners of the G.E.C.K.


Also thanks for the information on starting my objects with numbers, good to know before I got to heavy into modding.

Edited by Stonedturtle26
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