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Modding Talk - Location of ingame Images/Overlays

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Hey all,


So I've been poking around inside some of the bundle packages and have found plenty of good stuff...but I have yet to be able to find where images are located. It seems most are in png format as per paths listed in many xml files. Example - "icons/inventory/weapons/axe_02_64x128.png"


I have a number of things I'm looking to tweak if I can find where these damned image files are...anyone have any ideas, or of course even better, know where they are? :-)


Take care,

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Been digging around more and seems dds files are also used here and there, though I still have yet to find any overlay images and the like...might be that I do not possess the proper software to unpack all of the files.


If anyone has a suggestion on software or location, that would be awesome.


Take care,

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