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Static Collection Malfunctions


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For some reason, I can't make static collections for Fallout New Vegas.


I know how to make static collections, but for some reason it won't work in Fallout New Vegas. Whenever I try to make one, all i see is that little red diamond with a white exclamation point in its center (the error mesh/texture).


Can someone please tell me how to fix this mess?

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I'm just going through the same problem. Tried different combination of Static Collection : every time, this ugly sneaky little red sign with an exclamation mark appear instead of what would be the SCOL. If anyone has a solution to this, it would be awesome.


Thanks !


Edit :


Haha ! A good chap named pkliess explained the solution on another forum (which seems...weird.)


Anyway, the problem seem to be related to Vista, which doesn't allow the GECK to create the folder where the Static Collection will be saved. To resolve this, you have to create this path : \Data\Meshes\SCOL into your Fallout New Vegas folder. It should solve the problem.


(Also, you should also start the GECK "as administrator" by right-clicking on it first, it can't hurt.)


Well, thank you Mr Pkliess.

Edited by BaronVonChateau
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