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Custom Summon Spell


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I'm attempting to create a custom spell that allows you to summon a Dwarven Spider. How would I go about doing this? I know how to create custom summon spells in the Creation Kit for Skyrim.

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First create the summonable spider with unique ID, say 'dwarven_spider_summon'.


Then in Gameplay>Settings... 'Magic' tab search for 'sMagicCreature04ID' under 'ID' column. Change its 'Value' to 'dwarven_spider_summon'. This tells what should be the creature you summon when you cast the spell.

Then, search for 'sEffectSummonCreature04' and change its 'value' to what you want call the spell, like say, 'Summon Dwarven Spider' or 'Call Spider'. This is the name you see in the list under GamePlay>Magic Effects.


Now you can edit that spell in Gameplay>Magic Effects to change the spell type, cost, casting effect etc.


If you want one more creature, then follow the same step but change 'sMagicCreature05ID' and 'sEffectSummonCreature05'. There are only two extra slots for summonable creature after bloodmoon. If you don't have Bloodmoon loaded, then don't edit the sMagicCreature01ID, sMagicCreature02ID, and sMagicCreature03ID. Those are used for summoning Bears, and wolves in Bloodmoon.

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First create the summonable spider with unique ID, say 'dwarven_spider_summon'.


Then in Gameplay>Settings... 'Magic' tab search for 'sMagicCreature04ID' under 'ID' column. Change its 'Value' to 'dwarven_spider_summon'. This tells what should be the creature you summon when you cast the spell.

Then, search for 'sEffectSummonCreature04' and change its 'value' to what you want call the spell, like say, 'Summon Dwarven Spider' or 'Call Spider'. This is the name you see in the list under GamePlay>Magic Effects.


Now you can edit that spell in Gameplay>Magic Effects to change the spell type, cost, casting effect etc.


If you want one more creature, then follow the same step but change 'sMagicCreature05ID' and 'sEffectSummonCreature05'. There are only two extra slots for summonable creature after bloodmoon. If you don't have Bloodmoon loaded, then don't edit the sMagicCreature01ID, sMagicCreature02ID, and sMagicCreature03ID. Those are used for summoning Bears, and wolves in Bloodmoon.

That was a fantastic tutorial. But I have one question: How are there "slots"?

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I just meant you can add upto two creatures, one under sMagicCreature04ID and other under sMagicCreature05ID. Thats all.


PS : Also, don't forget to create custom spells for you to be able to summon it. More info here, under the second spoiler.

PPS: There are more modders at the official forum than here, so you'll get more answers there than here, espescially the technical side of things ;)

Edited by hollaajith
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I just meant you can add upto two creatures, one under sMagicCreature04ID and other under sMagicCreature05ID. Thats all.


PS : Also, don't forget to create custom spells for you to be able to summon it. More info here, under the second spoiler.

PPS: There are more modders at the official forum than here, so you'll get more answers there than here, espescially the technical side of things :wink:

I did lol , i see you replied to it on bethsoft forums.

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