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no sound npc, weapons, ?


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Hello, I cannot get the sound to play through npc, weapons or some ambient type sounds....unless I hit escape and pause game continuously. changed soundcards from x-fi to onboard realtek to hd realtek, nothing. all drivers are to date and Ive tried all tweaks, dll fix's enb etc. same. The only thing i can say is graphics are awesome, no hitches lags or ctd's. just this game-breaking annoyance. ive tried all audio settings 5.1 , 7.1 , stereo , even mono. nothing. Fallout 3 never did this to me with same set-up. This acts more like a game issue than my set-up.


anyone cursed with this?


my set-up , win-xp-x86 sp3 , athlon 2.4 dual core, 2 gig ram, realtek hd audio, 4670 1gig ati

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ok , apparently sound plays but is delayed. turning on radio helps , but not all the time. hardware, OS and drivers seems to have nothing to do with this problem. I have poured over every forum i can find on this. . This is the most interesting topic i could find on this problem. Maybe someone is tech enough to expand on this idea? http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1132705-bizarre-sound-problem/
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