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Looking for a Mod...


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Hi. I'm having little luck with searches so I figured I would ask on the forums here.. I'm looking for a very simple mod that replaces the default race skill bonuses in Oblivion with a slight increase in the rate those respective skills raise. In other words, instead of Argonians gaining +10 to Athletics at the start, their Athletics skill will increase slightly faster than say, Bretons who receive no bonuses to Athletics. It would also be nice if the +5 skill bonuses from your mastery choice were removed. My primary goal is to begin the game with my seven major skills at ~25, without having to choose ridiculous race, skill, and mastery combinations to achieve this. I've looked at some leveling mods, but most seem like considerate overhauls and I'm somewhat of a purist. Any help would be appreciated.
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Not sure if I understood your question correctly. I personally use Realistic Leveling and Skill Specialization mods to improve the vanilla leveling and combat learning.


If you use a big overhaul like OOO or Oblivion XP, it can provide with better leveling and tons of other features.


Though if you are just looking at starting off the game with some extra-boosts to vanilla attributes/skills/stats, you can use the modpca, modpcs, advskill and advlevel console commands, though it would be really be cheating:



There is a similar thread here:


Edited by vvk78
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I don't know if there is a mod which does the thing you are asking but I do know for 2 mods that change the leveling system.

One is Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and the other one is Oblivion XP.


Next time post in this thread if you are looking a mod but NOT requesting:


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First off, thanks for the replies and links. I will definitely be looking into the suggestions provided, namely OOO which appears interesting to say the least. I'm currently tinkering around with the Oblivion XP and am inevitably going to test out others.


Second, wk78, to better explain what my question was I'll try to paint the scenario: I created an Altmer Mage character and realized that my character could gain a maximum of 44 levels (iirc) because my major skills all started out so high (30s and 40s) and because major skills directly affect the level cap. Had I created a custom class with all of my major skills arranged to start at the minimum of 25 my character could gain a maximum of 52 levels. Not the end of the world, but I thought it seemed silly. Racial and mastery bonuses in a method that does not negatively impact the level cap of your character seemed more ideal to me. The simplest and most minimal solution I could think of was racial bonuses in the form of increased advancement rates in those racial skills instead of direct values like +5 or +10. The perfect scenario would be if the increases in skill advancement rates equated precisely to the numerical +skill bonuses they would be replacing, but that might not be as easy to figure out as my mathematically challenged mind might think.


Finally, Alkser, I did notice that threat but it was inappropriate for my post because they explicitly said not to post there if you're asking a "does this mod exist" type of question, which I pretty much was. If this ends up driving me nuts in an OCD-type manner I might consider posting a formal request for such a mod, but currently I was just curious if any of the mod-knowledgeable people here knew of anything that exists similar to what I was describing.


Again, thanks for the replies. Luckily, I have enough time right now to screw around with different things see how it goes.

Edited by Coldbringer
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Firstly, I don't know of a mod that does exactly what you ask. However some slight tweaking on your own along with Progress will get you there if I understand correctly what you want.


Gimping the Altmer (to borrow your race example) is a very simple process in the CS but I would suggest duplicating instead to create a new race based on the Altmer to avoid interfering with NPC's. This page is a very straight-forward tutorial on this process.


You can then edit the ini of Progress to increase the rate of progression of the skills whose bonuses you removed.


Don't be put off by it being 'too hard'. It isn't and there is many people here and on the Beth forums happy to help.

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