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Khajiit/Argonian/Custom Race tail - placement issue


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I've been looking for over an hour trying to find a mod that will 'fix' the khajiit tail placement, unfortunately it ends up coming somewhere in the middle of my rear (Using the HGEC Fighter E-Cup with LL Lowerbody), is there a mod that changes the placement, raising it up so it comes out at a more anatomical spot? ((I won't be surprised if this is just something I have to deal with, but any suggestions would be awesome!))
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  • 1 year later...
I've been looking for something myself... funny, I just posted something similar... even vanilla khajiit females still have the "butt plug" tail... needs to be placed just before where the human tail bone curves into the pelvis. kinda sucks no one replied to your post in over a year, though my post was for Skyrim. Edited by CrashMasterJMM
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The actual mesh needs to be raised up in nifskope (tho i dont know the correct coordinates but try right click tail - edit: Z 6 Y 2,5-3) or in some 3D program.


I have done this to my game because, tails coming out from butts is not a nice sight.

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