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anyone help?


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:) You're forgiven.


Go to your game's 'Data' file and look inside. If you don't have them already, create a folder there named Meshes and another named Textures. Some of the more elaborate mods will also require folders for Sound and/or Music and//or other stuff, but cross that bridge when you come to it.


Forgive me if I now state the incredibly obvious. Keep separate back-up copies of your Data file (just in case), and keep careful track of all the stuff you put in - if just to make them easy to find and remove later.


Since you want to use mods (and some of them are AWESOME), make sure you have installed GECK (Garden of Eden Creation Kit), FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager), FOSE (Fallout Script Extender), FO3E (Fallout 3 Editor) and ArchiveInvalidation - I suspect you might be missing those. Looks daunting but all are easy to install and easy to use (and some will only just sit there until / unless you take up modding anyhow).


There are other useful utilities, but these are the basics.


As my wise old Science teacher used to say, "When in doubt, read the instructions...". If you're still having trouble ask here and somebody will help you.

Edited by 7thsealord
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:) You're forgiven.


Go to your game's 'Data' file and look inside. If you don't have them already, create a folder there named Meshes and another named Textures. Some of the more elaborate mods will also require folders for Sound and/or Music and//or other stuff, but cross that bridge when you come to it.


Forgive me if I now state the incredibly obvious. Keep separate back-up copies of your Data file (just in case), and keep careful track of all the stuff you put in - if just to make them easy to find and remove later.


Since you want to use mods (and some of them are AWESOME), make sure you have installed FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager), FOSE (Fallout Script Extender), FO3E (Fallout 3 Editor) and ArchiveInvalidation - I suspect you might be missing those. Looks daunting but they are all easy to install and easy to use (FOSE doesn't need any real instructions, just install in your main Fallout3 folder and leave it alone except for an occasional update).


As my wise old Science teacher used to say, "When in doubt, read the instructions...". If you're still having trouble ask here and somebody will help you.

Thanks i have the FOMM cause of enclave commander but not Fose and FO3E and lol on the science teacher thing.

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