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OBGE and Transparent Textures


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Hey all,

I finished doing a clean install of Oblivion and thus far everything is working great. I figured out through trial and error that some transparent textures, they are textures I think, such as rays of light are not so transparent as my character and other npcs will disappear behind them. This is also experience when using the modified lich king helmet that adds a shadow to the face to make the eyes look more glowy. As a result my characters face is gone and I can see the roads and trees through it, (weird that it's not just the back of the inside of the helmet). Anyway, I figured out that it's OBGE that's causing this transparency error. I was wondering if someone found a fix for this. I noticed there was another post that had this issue but they just solved it by removing OBGE. I really would not want to remove it as I like all those fancy schmancy shaders.


Thanks a bunch for any info you can give me.

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Update OBGE to the latest version. This fix has been around for months. The issue is also mentioned in the ReadMe.


Sweet. I think I kept the old plugin back from when Deadly Reflex 6 first came out which was probably before this fix was made. Anyway thanks for the quick response. It's all good now

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