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How to put this gun into fallout nv


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Hi everyone, i am very new to modding fallout but i really wanted to make thorn and a few other destiny gun's into fallout nv for a playthrough here in the future but I'm not quite sure how to do it. If anyone can help me explain how to take the already made image of the gun and convert it into a program so i can make some of my own modifications to it before exporting it into the game that would be awesome. I have the program ZBrush but haven't had much time to use it yet. There will be an image of the gun i want to make modification to down below. Any and all help would be highly appreciated.

Edited by starkilleravgn
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Now first I want to let you know, I'm fairly new at 3D modeling and creating models for games, but I'll try to help to the best of my ability. (Anyone with more experience feel free to chime in if I miss anything or give any false info.) But I believe you'd first need to create the 3D model, map the model, export the map to gimp or photoshop, use the map to create the texture for the gun, export the texture, import the texture onto the model, then you have the model itself, though you may need to adjust some things if it doesn't quite look right.

After that you'd have to import it into nifskope and set properties or whatever (again, I'm new) and then add it as a weapon into the GECK in yourmodname.esp, then save and activate the mod, and then test it out in game.


That's just a real rough overview on what I believe the process to be from the brief time I've spent looking at tutorials. Once again, I'm new to it as well, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

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Try Blender: Noob to Pro. Spend a day going over it (it's insanely long), and you'll know the basics and eventually how to model that gun above. It looks like a fairly heavy model for someone brand new to blender though.


Heres a link: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?184727-Full-PDF-Blender-Noob-to-Pro-Ebook/page2


Have fun, it should help you get started :)

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