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Need a script, please!


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So... you want a staff to cast its enchantment on you?


Not exactley..... The status field spell is a self spell that you cast with your hands. It isnt really an enchantment. It is a spell where when you cast it, it will summon this large circular field, and and npc that enters it freezes until the spell time is up. You can walk out of it freeley. What I want is to enable the staff to cast the spell rather than my hands

Edited by Blacckkfire
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Can't you put it on the staff? (IE if its scripted, make new enchantment and add script effect to it, then put the script on)


I dont know how im going to do that. I dont know the spell works, I know that there is a script on it, and I know that script doesnt show up on the enchantments page. I dont know how to script, period!

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Can't you put it on the staff? (IE if its scripted, make new enchantment and add script effect to it, then put the script on)


Give me till tomorrow? I can do it, its just a matter of finding that Enchantment which i can find with TESedit, yeah late now so il look into it ^^

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Can't you put it on the staff? (IE if its scripted, make new enchantment and add script effect to it, then put the script on)


Give me till tomorrow? I can do it, its just a matter of finding that Enchantment which i can find with TESedit, yeah late now so il look into it ^^


the problem is, is that the script from the status field spell wont show up in the enchantments menu. So either a new script has to be made, or some other way that I dont know how. Im still a newbie modder

Edited by Blacckkfire
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