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A nude mod???


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I have searched all over the fonv nexus with the words 'naked' 'nude' 'adult' and can't find ANYTHING on making the npc's in the game naked. I know there are TONS for fo3, but zero for fonv. Yet people talk about them. Do the ones for 3 work for nv and that's what the problem is?

It'd be too funny to have the Legion running about buck nekked, right? LOL And the NCR as well. XDDD

I saw the prostitute animation but that's not what I'm looking for.

I saw the sexual innuendo, but that's also not what Im looking for.

It's some kind of mesh or something that gives ALL npc's a nonken/barbie doll look while naked. you see it ALL. (as in Penis, etc).

If anyone can help me find these or let me know if they have yet to be made for FONV, it'd be appreciated a LOT.

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Looks like it's just for females to be nude. I'm a female playing a female character. I'd like to strip the NCR and the Legion. nods.


This mod replaces all male bodies: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35451

And this - for females: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34702


Both mods replace the default body textures and meshes with the naked ones, but they don't "undress" NPC's. You'll have to kill/rob them to see them naked... Or you can strip your companions :)

Edited by ioshilee
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you can use type 3 (there are a couple versions)

hentai gentlemans eyecandy body (my favourite)

and there are others but the most supported is type 3

in most supported i mean that there are vanilla armor conversions and all kinds of mods that ad all kinds of armor and clothing

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