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specialized weapon for Cazador


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I through this together for you in like 10 mins, Think it took me longer to make the screenie then the model LOLOL xD.




we'll see where it goes gotta sleep now though...

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:thumbsup: I remember using those things to spray DDT when I was a kid. Problem is you have to get close, and it doesn't work instantly - As I well remember 55 years later after spraying a wasp nest. :blink:
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Detail update. Got off work early =] had some spare time before going with the female.




idk what to do with the handle and i can do more details if i had a better screen shot you wouldn't happen to have a bigger one would you? I forsee animation problems in your future...

Edited by ecksile
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So I still haven't left but i think im gonna expand upon your idea some. So here's my expansion, Im thinking it will be a 3 stage upgradeable weapon. With the Final Stage a backpack. And it will be a universal bug killer. With 3 ammo types. It mostly only work on bugs with the exception of the largest ammo type.


Ammo types go as Small, Medium, Large. Small for pests like Baby Scorpions/Mantis/Bot Flys but will be weak against anything larger. Medium for things like Bigger Mantis/Medium scorpions/Baby Cazador's and work really well on smaller bugs. And Large for the Big Cazador's/Giant Scorpions while being extremely lethal on medium and small. But will be the hardest to make? So youll want to save for the big guys.


Ammo Names


Small = ?


Medium = ?


Large = Cazadorian Concoction/Cocktail?


Just some words you can use for naming I thought of....Concoction/Cocktail/Brew


Im outie PZ!

Edited by ecksile
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thank you for taking an interest. your rendering looks splendid. if it come to fruition it will be fun. maybe the nozzle can be adjusted for a spray or streaming insecticide. can you make the sides of the canister tin plated looking? you know, shiny? and, maybe 4 times larger than normal... heh. :woot:
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I mean the whole thing 4 time larger not just the canister. you talking about 3 different sizes for canisters, or 3 strengths of poison? maybe just call the stuff ''bug juice' kinda reminiscent of William S. Burroughs 'bug powder' which the protagonist snorted to get high in 'Naked Lunch'.
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Well for the upgrades i was thinking of replacing the pump handle with an air hose backpack...and then the final would be replacing the canister with a full on backpack canister like the flamer or something to that extent..and also 3 strengths of poison as well. which are the ammo types. The only problems i forsee right now is animation as there arent any that will go with the way the weapon works. Edited by ecksile
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I think that weapon animations is hard coded, in that u may not be able to add a new weapon type to assign animation to.


This would be too specialized of a weapon to want to have replacing another weapon type also.


Maybe you can make an idle where u pull it out and expel the gas at em and then put it back away when u activate the hotkey for it.

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