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I have donwnloaded the two version of the mod for the in-game Oblivion´s Cyrodill map ( the normal version, and the NO TEXT version ). But when I unzip the mod archives into the Data\textures folder of the game ( the three folders of the mod: menus50, menus80 and menus ), and executed the game, the Cyrodill map of the game doesn´t change!! The mod, in my game, doesn´t work >:( . What can I do? What am I doing wrong? Thanks. Ans sorry for my bad english!!! I´m from Spain.

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Having looked at the mod:

A) It doesn't include an .ESP. Mistaken assumption on my part.

B) If you unzipped it in the \Textures folder, the files will be in the wrong place. To fix this:

--a) Cut the textures folder located in \Data\Texture, and paste it in \Data OR

--b) Unzip the mod in \Data


EDIT: It would seem that even without any other maps installed, it asks you if you want to overwrite. Select Yes to All.


EDIT 2: The above edit may only apply if you have unpacked your data files.

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Maybe is my fault, I don´t know. But, i have done what you have said, and the in-game map of Cyrodill, still is the same than the original!! I don´t know what else Can I do? Any advice? Any help?

Maybe an obvious question, but are you using the latest official patch? Some mods won't work without it. ;)

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I have donwnloaded the two version of the mod for the in-game Oblivion´s Cyrodill map ( the normal version, and the NO TEXT version ). But when I unzip the mod archives into the Data\textures folder of the game ( the three folders of the mod: menus50, menus80 and menus ), and executed the game, the Cyrodill map of the game doesn´t change!! The mod, in my game, doesn´t work >:( . What can I do? What am I doing wrong? Thanks. Ans sorry for my bad english!!! I´m from Spain.


Zorjo, not a problem, I can have you up and running in no time. The following should have been in the instructions on the download page.


If you load the Cyrodill Terrain maps in the proper subdirectorys and the new color map doesn't show up in the game, you need to add lines to your ArchiveInvalidation.txt file. If this file doesn't exist, create it. It goes in your ..\Oblivion subdirectory, the same subdirectory that contains Oblivion.exe.


With Notepad or a similar editor, add the following lines to your ArchiveInvalidation.txt:





That will do it. Good luck

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