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Separate Raider Armor


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So today, I was thinking to myself, I think that the Raider Bombshell top would look fine with the Raider Blastmaster bottom. However, raider gear by default does not split. I figured, why not give making the mod myself a shot. So I buried myself in tutorials and such. In the end, I've really come out of it empty handed, I would love to learn how to do it, but I guess I'm just dense.


This is more or less a request for one of two things, either a quick and easy to understand tutorial on how I would modify existing armors to have separate parts.

Or if someone has spare time, perhaps trying their hand at this.

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How about u can say exactly what part of the process u got stuck at, and then someone can let u know how to get to the next stage.


Then when you get stuck for the second, third, fourth... lol dont worry everyone goes through it!


Just keep posting your problem with a good description, probly best in the same thread i think.


I think people here want to help u get to making mods!

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Well as this was the first time i ever used blender nifskope or any related programs, I needed to find an easy, step by step tutorial for basic armor modding in blender which I did. (http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/227460-creating-armor-mashups-in-fallout3-with-blender/) I followed it step by step all the way to the end, but when I attempt loading into geck, I get the "texture:null no diffuse map" error, and then nothing shows up.


For my test, I used the alice painspike armor, and attempted to fit it to a standard type 3(i know there is already a raider t3 set, but this was simply a test)

I just wanted to try and make sure i had a basic grasp of what the heck I am doing.


I know thats a sort of vague description-but atm, i really don't know what I'm doing.

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Yea I saw that tutorial! it looks like a good one to me.


I never seen a missing diffuse map error, that means that you dont have a texture assigned to it! the color texture, also u are gona want to check and make sure u got normalmap assigned also.


I dont know why you would have that problem tho cause the nifscripts keep your material settings intact.


You can check them in nifskope. first make sure on nifskope view option block list and block details is enabled and then have block list options set to show in tree.


Look in the nitristrips block and u will see bsshaderpplightingproperty, thats where u set shader flags in the tutorial.


expanding that u will see bsshadertextureset, click on that one and then look in block details and you can see textures and expand em to get a child list of textures.

Click on the flowery looking thing for the first child texture, not the parent one! and then u cann select the diffuse map(color texture) dds file and put it in there.

Click on the second child texture and put the normal map filename_n.dds file on that one.


When u are looking at arms01 nitristrips block and cheking the textures for it there should be a third one selected.

In the 3rd child texture slot u want to make sure u have a file with _sk.dds on it.


At least if u have those all set up u should be seeing a different error if any!

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