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where art thou Ji Yukisuke of heaven!


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heya all ^^


I wanted to use His/Her Ears they have created on Me Race for Release!




But the trouble is i cant find a contact Email or anything, i did download and check the readme! and i translated via google Document Translator, and it says something:


■, modify and redistribute

Please put on the eyelashes between our author credit.

Please rest like we were pals.


Source: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vkf87etUJp8cCbhKaNfO3w9fGtmQRrFX3am_pn8aUb8/edit?hl=en&pli=1#


Which Im understanding, it is aloud to be Redistributed where credit is due! but i cant really trust Google translator! so i was hopeing someone who can understand Japanese, can verify for me, and if i am incorrect find a way to contact Ji.




Danny x

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