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Debugging Griffon Fortress


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I am currently trying to debug Griffon Fortress by mr_silka because there is potential for so much more.

I am trying to incorporate:

DK High Imperials (deathknowz) as female guards

Beautiful People (MidnightVoyager)

Apachii Goddess Store (apachii) for the guard weapons and female armor

Pegasus Armor Set (Eventine Shangea) for the male guard armor


I have already:

fixed some of the seam issues in the bridge

added a portcullis and lights

added 2 day and 2 night patrol npcs

13 day and 13 night guards

planned a sleep/train/eat and guard/patrol time schedule in Excel


I tried it out on one npc, and had trouble with the train package. He guards from 18 for 12 hours, sleeps at 6 for 2 hours, eats at a bench at 8 for 1 hour, and is supposed to train on a dummy at a marker at 9 for 1 hour. He gets up from the bench, walks to the marker, and goes Idle. I used (in priority order) a 12 hour Travel Package at 18, a 1 hour Eat Package at 8, a 1 Hour Use Item At Package at 9 (set the time and duration, set the location as the marker at the dummy, and set the object to weapons:melee value 0), a 12 hour Sleep Package at 6, and a Wander Package in the cell. The Sleep Package didn't interfere with the Eat Package, but could it be interfering with the Train Package? If not, what do I do?


I also made two new races:

Griffons: duplicated DK Imperials, renamed it, removed original hairs and eyes, added the hairs and eyes from Beautiful People that are compatible with dk Imperial females. I edited the female npcs to incorporate the new race changed their hair and eyes, and they looked fine in the render window. I saved it and tested it with OBSE, but they showed up as the DwarvenOverseer race...so I edited the dwarven overseer race with the same hair, eyes, Face Data, and Body Data from DK Imperials and applied that to the npcs. They looked fine in the render window. when ran with OBSE they showed up bald. I tried setting default hair but it didn't work...what now?


Gryffons: Imperials, removed original hairs and eyes, added compatible hairs and eyes from Beautiful People...Set male npcs to this race, looked fine in render window, saved, and ran with OBSE. They show up with a tonsure blindfold, even though I deleted this from the races optional hairs. What now?

Edited by Riddick543
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There is a contradiction in your question:


sleeps at 6 for 2 hours
a 12 hour Sleep Package at 6


Is it 2 hours or 12?


18:00, 12 Hours Guard
8:00, 1 Hour Eat
9:00, 1 Hour Train
6:00, 12 Hours Sleep
Any, Any Time Backup Wander Package


There are errors in the scheduling if the number is 12 rather than 2. With this schedule, there is no real reason not to put everything but the backup package into chronological order. I would do it this way:

6:00, 2 Hours Sleep
8:00, 1 Hour Eat
9:00, 1 Hour Train
18:00, 12 Hours Guard
Any, Any Time, Backup Wander Package


Your guard has gone to the place he belongs at the proper time for training, he just isn't doing the animation. This means the schedule is not at fault.


I suppose you checked to make sure the guard has a melee weapon to practice with?


In vanilla Oblivion, the tonsure blindfold shows up on individual NPCs when you change their race to one that can't use the previous hairstyle, and forget to specify which other hair style to use.


Good luck.

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