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(WIP) Morrowind Rebirth


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New Morrowind, aka "Morrowind Rebirth"


My real nick is Trancemaster_1988. Perhaps you've heard of me, perhaps not. Anyway I've been working on a few projects during the years, mostly with my "New Cities Project" (New Seyda Neen, Caldera & Gnisis) that were basicly town expansions. At a time this project became so big that I decided to take it a step further. Morrowind Rebirth is my version of how Vvardenfell should have looked like. This work will feature all of my previously released mods in the "New Cites Project" , plus additional WIP.s and a whole load of other things.


I plan to release this mod in parts. This is the first part and will feature changes for the Ascadian Isles, Bitter Coast and for West Gash. There will be a huge number of things that you can expect aside from the vanilla experience. Among these you'll encounter:


* Smoother landscapes & fixes for a huge number of landscape seams.

* New music and splashscreens, perhaps a new main menu.

* Reworked landscapes & cities which will be rich in detail.

* A large number of new NPC's and some new creatures.

* Fixes a large number of floaters and glitches.

* New weapons, misc items & clutter.


This is only a small selection of what Morrowind Rebirth will offer in its final state. There will be updates on a regular basis, I hope you'll enjoy what I've got to show you.










- Trance -

Edited by johanrosen
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Please be aware that bumping threads is not something that we allow here on the nexus sites.


Spam is...


1) Posting one liners. Replying to a thread and just saying something like "hey!" "yeah!" "lol" "I agree" "no" etc..

2) Posting the same thread/post repeatedly in order to gain attention.

3) Posting something completely off-topic (OT) that has nothing to do with the thread.

4) Posting in a thread to simply "bump" it back to the top of the forum listings with no additional or useful content.



Continued bumping will result in your thread being locked. And possible staff action against your account if the action continues.

See this guy as a prime example- http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/298654-oblivionmasteradam-banned/


You can post additional information regarding updates about the mod and such, but you can't post in it just to put it back to the top of the list.


Good luck with your mod work tho!


-DarkeWolf, Nexus Staff

Edited by DarkeWolf
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I always like seeing new major mods for Morrowind since Morrowind is starting to die it seems some times but now you are making it began all over again.


Oh thanks I guess. It won't be too long until it's done either.

Edited by johanrosen
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-DarkeWolf, Nexus Staff


Yes Master

mmm hmmm. I see your sarcasm and disregard for the rules and the site staff's warning and raise you two strikes.

I dont think that that you need to push this hand any further, do you?

DarkeWolf, Nexus Staff



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