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OBSE/OBGE 2.0 Question


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:) Hello ,


I decided to give OBSE and OBGEv2 a try , to improve/test various visual enhancements/fx .

So OBSE v 00.19 is well installed ... And I use also OBSE Launcher 1.7

My first OBSE-required "Command Mount" mod works as a charm.

Then , after carefully reading OBGE 2.0 installation notes , I unpacked the Core

package & the shader package as described .


Now , my issue is the following :


At a fresh game-start + loadgame , I get the shader menu popping up asking me to select one ... I do so (f.ex. Crysis Depth of field ... or Color mood ...)

The menu closes .... and no visual difference .

In Misc. Inventory , I see the OBGEv2 Support "Key" & click it ... but when I click "done" and exit my inventory ... no shader menu at all .(btw , it works well with the UOP-menu)

Furthermore , OBGE-log is always empty ... and I don't have any OBGE.ini in Documents/My Games/Oblivion .


What am I missing here (and/or doing wrong)?

Apparently , all the shaders , esp and plugin dll seem to be at the right place ... according to OBGE Readme .


Thx for tipping me :wink:


I'm on Win XP SP3 , and GFX Card is Ati Radeon HD2600 512Mb ... with latest driver(10.12)

Here's my BOSS'ed Mod Load Order :






Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp

Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp


Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp




Book Jackets Oblivion - BP.esp


Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp



DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp


DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp


DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp


DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp


DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp


Slof's Horses Base.esp

Slof's Extra Horses.esp

Command Mount.esp


DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp



DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp


Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp



Better Redguard v2.esp





Edited by Remcoz
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I had a similar problem with OBGE not working before. First, install the OBGEv2.dll plugin found in the obse\plugins folder, which I'm sure you probably have done. Next, place the Shaders folder into your Data and click yes to merge. Then, go to the Extras folder and put "d3dx9_31.dll" and "d3dx9_41.dll" into your Oblivion directory (where the oblivion launcher is located). You don't need to bother with the shaders and textures folders found in the Extras folder, as those are just made for testing.


OBGE wasn't working for me until I placed those two dll's from the Extras folder into the Oblivion directory, so it might help for you too hopefully.

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Depending on your graphics card and what type of depth buffer (z-buffer) it uses you may need to use the RAWZ.fx fix, and enable it via the OBGE.ini. This is mentioned in the OBGE ReadMe, along with what xchargerfanx just mentioned. Also since you're not getting an OBGE.ini and the OBGE.log is empty that indicates OBGE is not properly installed or OBSE is not functioning correctly, or is not up to the proper version. You should be running OBSE 19b.


Also, why are you using the OBSE 1.7 launcher with OBSE 1.9? That makes no sense. You also need to make sure you're using OBSE 19b, as it includes some rather serious bug fixes over 19. Always use the updated files in the archive you download. There have been so many changes made from v17 to v19 it's likely that the launcher has been changed also. The launcher version changes every time the .dll files get updated so one must assume the launcher is updated as well to match the current version. It's possible the launcher is exactly the same and they only change the version number, but why even take that chance?

Edited by Smooth613
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Thanks for your answers .


@ xchargerfanx:

I did not copy the 2 DX dll's from Extra folder (since it said

to copy them if crash/freeze , which I didn't have ... Silly meh :tongue: )

I'll try that :)

@ Smooth613:

OBSE is 0.0.19b (latest stable version) ...

OBSE-launcher is 1.7 Here

I only found other OCOL/OCOL2 launchers ... But.....What is OCOL and OCOL2 :whistling: ?

Should I use this instead ?


*Edit 1 : Ok , I tried various things . "d3dx9_41.dll" in Oblivion-folder freezes my game when I cast "OBSE Command mount" . If I remove it , the spell works fine ... so I left only "d3dx9_31.dll" in there .

I also uninstalled OBSElauncher1.7 and installed OCOL2/OBSE launcher instead .

Same thing .... Menu pops up only at freshgame start , Plugin is seen in Misc-inventory but not "popupable"... and still no OBGE.ini and empty OBGE.log ... :wallbash:


**Edit 2 : Have also been going through quite a reading at Nexus OBGE Comments ... It looks like I'm not the only one :teehee: .I'll investigate further .

But I join hereby a copy of :


-RendererInfo.txt :



Renderer Device Information:

ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO


RenderPath : BSSM_SV_2_B

PSversion : 300

VSversion : 300

VStarget : vs_2_0

PStarget : ps_2_b

PS2xtarget : ps_2_b

maxPS20inst : 512

3.0 Shaders : yes

Image space effects : yes

Nonpowerof2textures : yes

FP16ARGB blending : yes

FP16ARGB filtering : yes

High dynamic range : yes

Bloom lighting : no

Refraction : yes

2.0 hair : yes

SLI mode : no

Water shader : yes

Water reflections : yes

Water displacement : yes

Water high res : yes

Multisample Type : 0

Shader Package : 17



-OBSE_loader.log :



clearing large-address-aware flag (flags offset = 0000011E checksum offset = 00000160)

crc = 7934C86C

dll = C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_1_2_416.dll

hookBase = 00150000

loadLibraryAAddr = 7C801D7B

hook thread complete

launching oblivion



-and OBSE.log (OBGEv2 Incompatible :wallbash: ):



OBSE: initialize (version = 19.6 010201A0)

oblivion root = C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\

plugin directory = C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\

checking plugin C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dll

plugin C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dll (00000001 OBGEv2 00000002) reported as incompatible during query


loading from C:\Documents and Settings\Remco Z\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Save 23 - Remco - Cyrodiil, Level 22, Playing Time 304.05.17.obse

Reading mod list from co-save

Loading strings

Loading array variables

DoLoadGameHook: C:\Documents and Settings\Remco Z\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Save 23 - Remco - Cyrodiil, Level 22, Playing Time 304.05.17.ess

loading from C:\Documents and Settings\Remco Z\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Save 23 - Remco - Cyrodiil, Level 22, Playing Time 304.05.17.obse

Error in script 0c000800

An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result

File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: <unknown>

Error in script 0c000800

An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result

File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: <unknown>

Error in script 0c000800

An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result

File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: <unknown>

Error in script 0c000800

An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result

File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: <unknown>

Error in script 0c000800

An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result

File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: <unknown>

Error in script 0c000800

An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result

File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: <unknown>

Error in script 0c000800

An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result

File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: <unknown>

OBSE: deinitialize



*OBGEv2.dll is in "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins"

but why the Heck is it written with 2 backslashes in OBSE.log :wacko:??? ?

(like this : C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dll)


*OBGEv2.log is created in "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\" ... but 0kb .


*bAllow30Shaders=1 in Oblivion.ini


*OBGE.ini still not existent in "My Documents\My games\Oblivion" ...

Edited by Remcoz
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Oh, that launcher, I was under the impression you were using the supplied OBSE loader. I've never used any additional launcher for OBSE since it's not needed. I would start by ruling those out as a possibility for failure. You don't need them.


If OBGE is still not creating logs or the INI it's not properly initializing. As mentioned previously the reasons for this happening, or not happening, are: Improperly installed OBGE. Improperly installed or improper version of OBSE. Not launching Oblivion properly via OBSE Loader. UAC interfering due to your installation location. Since you're running Windows XP, UAC is not an issue, you can rule that out.

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So I removed that seperate launcher ... I also uninstalled/removed (like described in their respective readme's) OBSE & OBGE .


Re-installed them again & launching Oblivion with the integrated launcher .

Well Same result .


The thing I don't really understand is that OBSE is correctly installed & working ... and if the OBGE plugin is seen @ freshgame start , showing the available shaders ... why would it pop up at start but not later when clicking the key ?


I have read something about Not using the OBGE.esp .... but a "shaderlist.txt" instead ?


Any suggestion anyone ? :happy:

Edited by Remcoz
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  • 5 weeks later...
Remcoz Im having the same issues. The game runs flawless but Im not sure Ive ever seen OBGEv2 effects ingame...You could try dropping the OBGE in your inventory and try picking it up and see if that does anything...just a thought. Or there could be a mod taking precedence over obgev2. Im only brainstorming here, I read your post and realized some things (that obgev2 is not operating correctly) Im gonna do some file swapping and see if I can make any headway.
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It does sound like your obse isn't installed correctly. The obse vers 19 should come with it's own launcher. If I where you I would uninstall all the obse stuff and redownload from the website the latest stable vers (19). Then reinstall it. After that, redownload and install OBGEv2 etc


After you get obse working, you should be able to use the in-game option to "test" the shaders. To turn a shader on in-game, " hold left shift+left mouse click". To disable you need to "left ctrl+left mouse click" etc. You will know if they're working, look far left or right for blurr on the crysisdof one.


Once you find the shaders you want to use with the above method, create a .txt file in your "oblivion\data\shaders" folder like this:


shaderlist.txt  <- make sure it's a txt file and i think you need to make sure it's all lowercase letters


Inside the shaderlist.txt, just put the shaders EXACTLY as they are spelled with case sensitive stuff. Mine looks like this:




Notice that I had renamed "godrays.fx" to "godrays_r.fx" ? I don't know if it's still required but quite sometime ago I had to rename the actual shader "FX" package in the shaders folder to get godrays.fx to work. It doesn't matter what you call the shader.fx file, as long as you put that exact file name in your shaderlist. This could be absolutely unnecessary but I wasn't taking any chances after a two week long, oblivion+mod install/un-install bull crap process. I'm still testing the rest of the packages so that's why there are only two in there currently. Also, you may or may not need to deactivate the .esp to be able to use the shaderlist method, I thought I read somewhere that you had to do that, idk. My esp is not "on" and my shaderlist works.


Anyhow, if the shaderlist.txt method does not work then I would recommend a complete un-install/reinstall of either OBSE v19, OBGEv2, Oblivion or all. There maybe something really messed up in there but try uninstalling OBSE and OBEGv2 first.


Just kinda thinking of other possibilities here but if you use Wrybash, you can use it's obse button to start up oblivion and obse. That's what I use. Apologizes if this seems chaotic, I don't have the time right now or the patience to clean up this post. I'll come back and see if you still need help.

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Thanks for the explanation , Madmardigan :)


I'll give the shaderlist.txt trick a try :)


Honestly , I believe OBSE (which is version 0.19 , I mentioned that already) is well installed & working .

Command mount mod which requires OBSE works fine since the beginning .

(Forget about about that OBSE1.7 launcher , it's just a separate launcher (view link)I already

removed a while ago , using now OBSE 0.19 integrated launcher ).


And just to remind (maybe you missed that part in my above posts) , after installing OBGEv2 , I had

the whole shader package loaded at gamestart (seen in console) ... I had the shadermenu popping up at game-launch ...

I had the "OBGE settings-key" in my inventory ...

But I couldn't bring up that menu later while ingame ... and absolutely no visual difference when selecting various shaders .


It looks exactly like what I just read in this topic , Here .

Edited by Remcoz
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