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Combat tweaks


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I wondered if anyone could help with three mod ideas. I've been trying to find a mod setup that really improves combat. I've found some great mods and have been learning how to use Tes5Edit to tweak them to suit my idea, but there are a few effects I can't find any way to achieve:


1. First, I want each weapon swing to cost a variable amount of stamina, based on the weight and material type of the weapon. (Each material type would have a base stamina factor, and each weapon swing would cost stamina equal to the base factor for its material x the weapon's weight).


2. Secondly, I've found some great mods that lower your damage when at low stamina, but I'd like low stamina to give a penalty to the % of damage that shields block as well (like SkyRe did).


3. Finally, I'd like stamina regeneration to completely pause while the player is holding block.


I've been learning how to use Tes5Edit but scripting is beyond me at the moment. I'd be very grateful if anyone could either (1) point me towards a mod I've missed that does the above (2) create a mod that does any of the above or (3) let me know how feasible it would be for me to learn scripting and create these mods (or edit existing mods to add these features) myself.


I'm reasonably computer-savvy, but I have no experience of any scripting. I started reading about Papyrus and got hopelessly lost, but I'll stick at it if people say it really is feasible to learn from scratch.




I just thought I'd set out my reasons for wanting these, if it's any interest to anyone. My overall goal is the usual "want to make Skyrim combat a bit more like Dark Souls". I've found several mods which are working very well together - I'm currently using PerMa as a base, a slightly edited Combat Evolved to increase the damage and difficulty, Fighting Fatigue to further increase the stamina cost of each weapon swing beyond PerMa's default and Lethargy to make low stamina give a penalty to damage (with a tweak to give -100% damage reduction below 10% stamina) - but I really want to add the three effects outlined above too.

1. My basic idea for the first tweak is that, say, a sword of any given material at the level you'd first expect to find it will allow an average melee character to swing it five or six times. A dagger would be about seven swings and a Warhammer about 3. I really like the way that in Dark Souls and similar games, finding a more powerful weapon is exciting but it isn't automatically better - you have a nice strategic element having to decide between the increased damage and the fact that you can't swing it as many times without resting. You have a strategic decision now, and an incentive to level up to get more stamina so you can use it better. With something like Morrowloot and PermaZones, the player can potentially make their way through a high-level dungeon to find some very powerful weapons early, or just steal them from a Jarl's bedroom. With this tweak, while the high-level weapon would still have great damage potential, it would have significant drawbacks. It also gives another way to differentiate between materials. I like the idea that elven weapons for example would have a very low base stamina factor for their level. They may not do as much damage as another weapon, you can swing them a lot more.


2. Lethargy is a great mod for giving damage penalties at low stamina, but I'd like low stamina to affect blocking too, just to make stamina even more important. If blocking below 15% stamina didn't actually absorb any damage, the player would have to watch their stamina usage a lot more and the stamina costs mentioned above would be very important. If they did reach low stamina, they would have to start moving and dodging while their stamina regenerated.


3. Fighting Fatigue has an option to make running cost a small amount of stamina, which effectively pauses stamina regeneration while you run, but I want to encourage mobility and dodging over tanking, so I want the opposite to this. I like blocking to be very effective while you have stamina, but I want to discourage the player just holding block all the time while they aren't attacking.

Edited by TimFull
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well if you dont find any help in finding a mod like this my mod setup also discourages turtling really. Personally I have deadly combat, action combat, combat brutality.. in some of these mods I think you are more likely to be knocked down if you have low stamina, or staggered where you are then more vulnerable to taking more damage, or maybe some other effects which are triggered on low stamina opponents in the combat brutality mod, and whilst there isnt stamina drain whilst holding down block you can change the stamina drained caused by a successfully blocked attack in deadly combat I think, and in skytweak too, so you could choose to lose 100 stamina every time someone hits your shield if you want. I also have slower swing speed on low stamina and slower movement speed from another mod I think, and also lower damage. So in total this kind of makes turtling a bad option as you'll just run out of stamina very quickly then be vulnerable to being knocked down, slower swing and lower damage etc, so it's more imporatant to end the fights quicker. Plus I have a mod which gives many more NPCs such as bandits and soldiers crossbows and along with increased damage often these one shot me so it's more important to stay moblie with all the mods I have.

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