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[Mod Request] Realistic Needs / Surivival

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Hey guys,


First of all, I'm really, really sorry if this has been posted already. I really didn't feel like scanning all the back-pages of thread posts to see if it had. I suppose I could've searched, but this just seemed easier.


I think it would be fantastic to have a mod for Witcher 3 that would create a survival-like atmosphere... A "hardcore" mode, if you will, not a Diablo 3 permadeath type of hardcore, but a survival, realistic needs sort of hardcore style, more in line with what FO:NV offered, or the Realistic Needs + Frostfall mods for Skyrim.


It wouldn't be required to make food more scarce. The world is well populated with very poor people that all seem to be eating well enough, so it shouldn't be all that much more difficult for Geralt to find food as well. That being said, the oren value of the food could potentially be adjusted to create an additional "gold sink" in the game, to present an additional challenge, should the player find himself out of food and water, and be forced to purchase it from a nearby town.


Geralt's need for sleep could be replaced with simple mediation, as that seems to rejuvenate him well enough in the game.


Anyway, these are just suggestions. The intent of the mod should be to create an additional meta-game challenge for players interested in having such extra mechanics added.


I have no idea if such a mod would be possible, but would be very interested in seeing it made.


Thanks for reading.


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