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FO3 Stuff--->FNV Mod.....Legal?


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Is the policy to ban people who ask whether this is legal? Or only those who give some evidence that they have done it?



"People are now getting banned for breaking this rule as they've had ample warning. "


Asking if it's legal is not breaking the rules, though asking how to do such things is a no-go... :)

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Oh well.That's why I always ask first.I prefer having a lot of people telling me that I cannot do it before I do than having the Moderators waving their B&Hammers agains me.


Anyway I still can use the Chinese Stealth Armors that are included in FNV for what I want.Thanks people.

Edited by Blake81
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As long as you do not upload the mod here, or give any info such as 'email me for the mod' or link to a site where it is at. You will not be banned. You can do anything you want on your own computer.
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As long as you do not upload the mod here, or give any info such as 'email me for the mod' or link to a site where it is at. You will not be banned. You can do anything you want on your own computer.


Now that's a clear explanation.I suggest to put this question with its respective answer in the FAQ Thread.It will help to prevent accidents and people wont have to ask the same thing.

Edited by Blake81
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