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nif assistance, floating object?


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I would like to reuse the base game "fuse" item, nif file meshes/clutter/questitems/mq05fuse01.nif. I copied the nif, defined an object, and turned off the "quest item" field. But, when I drop the item from my inventory, the item just floats in the air! I have looked around in nifskope but I cannot find out what to change, so that the item falls and can be kicked around like other dropped items. I changed a few fields under bhkRigidBody, without knowing what they actually do; but this did not help. I changed Motion System to MO_SYS_BOX, Solver Deactivation to SOLVER_DEACTIVATION_LOW, and Quality Type to MO_QUAL_DEBRIS. This matches what I see in other items which can be dropped and kicked around.


Can anybody help me by suggesting what other fields I need to change in the nif, so this item doesn't float?

Edited by davidlallen
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Hm no idea, i know it is really bad, but it is better then nothing i suppose. Maybe you can use one of the fallout 3 tutorials, that show you how to add a custom object, that you can wiggle around and stuff. So you import the mesh in blender or max and redo the collision from scratch. Like i said, i dunno what the values are myself. I am just the furniture man here. :teehee:


Or you cut out the collision and add a collision from another object and resize it in nifskope. That might even be the smarter variant here. Im sure you can find something similar to your object.

Edited by Nadimos
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Its a weird nif. I guess they make it have that colision on it just for activation?


funny colision object of 2 planes.


Why is the center of the nitristrips in that odd position?


Anyway. i think it needs mass cause your other settings sound fine. and its ol clutter and everything.


And if u give it mass u proly want to give it inertia on m11 m22 and m33.


Cause i seen other nifs and the inertia matrix is all 0 except for those ones.I think its worth a try.


If its no good u can give it a new colision object but that way u dont lean anything.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I have added m11, m22, m33 inertia and mass, but it still floats. I have attached the nif (no dds). Is there something else I am missing? The collision object geometry seems OK, because I can activate with the E key and pick up the floating object. I do not know much about nifskope except how to change variable values.
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To me, the colision geometry seems weird, 2 unconnected planes. The other ones ive seen have lines conecting em to form an enclosure of some sort.


It does sem strange that that would make a difference, but maybe you might as well try replacing the hkpackednitristripsdata with a different one and see if it makes a difference.

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Ok well even if u are not interested in 3d working Blender is free and can be useful, for simply converting oblivion nif or to convert armor for different body model.


There is not a software in the world i recomend more highly!


But anyway, yea what u want to do for this experiment is only involving nifskope.

I mean it is an experiment, cause it would be clear cut to create brand new colision mesh, but if u just replace hkpackednitristripsdata instead u can learn if this particular colision mesh shape has any effect on its function.


for using nifskope to replace just the geometry data what u do is find another nif with a hkpackednitristripsdata, remove the geometry data (hkpackednitristripsdata) from original mesh,

copy just the geometry data from the mesh u found and selecting the parent bhkpackednitristripsshape and find data field at bottom of blolck details window and paste new data there.

It might work or not, dunno.


If u want to make new colision mesh in nifskope without blender, u can use this tutorial tho.

It show u how to convert any nitristrips or nitrishape into colision mesh with only nifskoep.


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It is possible that your problem is completely different one!


Ok so theres different kinds of colision in the game and its used for different kinds of objects. U can see the color of the colision box to see what type of one it is, its called oblivion layer.


Haha funny name, sounds like something they would be studying in chorrol mage guild.


Here is a reference link.



I think for rolling around molecule u are gona want clutter or prop so it should be blue or magenta ones.


U can copy the settings from a vanilla nif but u gota have the right kind of nif first!


Yeah set up the motion system and motion quality and solver and that other stuff and see if it works!



Also for export settings when u make em in blender, Look on the top of the middle column, it has some handy presets that you can use to set most of the stuff up just the way you need from the beginning!

Edited by baduk
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