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Pimp-Boy 3 Billion


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Say... could someone make a mod of a Pimp-Boy 3 Billion from Fallout: New Vegas for Fallout 3?


I know, it's illegal to copy the texture from Fallout: New Vegas into Fallout 3. But is it too hard to make a gold-plating texture for the Fallout 3 Pip-Boy 3000?


Reference: Fallout Wiki article for Pimp-Boy 3 Billion


I agree, it would be awesome to have a pimp boy 3 billion in fo3, that's Actually the first thing I looked for when I saw it.

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Thanks! Yeah, I've done numerous searches for things like "Gold", "gilded" etc., but no such luck. There's an interesting set of golden Power Armor that I was thinking of giving to Cross in my game... but I was disappointed to find it was a lore-unfriendly suit of T-51b Power Armor, not the standard T-45d power armor used by the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel and Brotherhood Outcasts. Not to mention... it looked more like a bright yellow than a deep gold...


And yes, there is a difference. Either that or I'm just a nitpicker...

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