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Does patch 1.04 "break" custom content?


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I've tried this at social.bioware.com as well, but perhaps someone here can help me... :-)


Short story:

Purchased Origins back in Nov. 2009, been playing with patch 1.02 for a long time - generally without serious problems. OS: Win XP SP3, 4 GB RAM, 512 VRAM, CPU 2 GHz.

Got myself new computer; OS: Windows 7, 8 GB RAM, VRAM 1 GB, CPU (can't remember exact term, but in "old" terms should be equivalent to some 3 GHz)

Purchased Ultimate Edition - after some hassle got the included DLC working.

Installed toolset, had to use manual install to succeed.


Now, everything seemed to work OK, but then I found that the items I had created in the toolset didn't show up when I tried to load a game after enabling my own custom content.

To my dismay this also applied to other custom content I've downloaded.

I never had this kind of problem in patch 1.02.


I then tried to decrease the number of DLCs active, and found that when I deactivated the promo items Bulwark, Bregan and Pearl of the Anointed for Origins, at least the DLC from the community started to show up - I say "started", because not everything works (it did however in 1.02).


So - at the present I'm in a situation where my own custom content doesn't appear in the game at all (no problem in 1.02), and not all custom content I've downloaded works as expected either. I am - again - completely lost.

Does patch 1.04 in some way "break" the way custom content is handled??


My venture into the Ultimate Edition is becoming so painful that I'm seriously considering ditching the whole thing, and go back to my Origins 1.02. But I removed my Origins key from this site when I installed the Ultimate Edition, so I'm afraid that all my DLC from my Origins copy is lost...


Ah well. Will uninstall everything this afternoon and try AGAIN...

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Presuming that the custom content used to be spawned into your inventory immediately upon starting a new game, this behavior became the norm starting with patch 1.03.


The fix is to DISABLE those mods before beginning the game, play until you can make your first Save, Exit, Re-enable the mods, Re-start the game, and Load your Save. The items should now appear as expected. :thumbsup:


Own own RustyBlade has recommended that all modders use the "additem" script, (as he does for his mods) rather than try to force new items into the game "the old way". This allows players to trigger it from the Command Console at their discretion.

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OK, thanks. Have done a little research on this, and find that I'm not alone... http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/58/index/4504273/1

Weird thing is that when I disable e.g. Bulwark of the True King (Origins), suddenly the Mord Sith Confessor Robe shows up as it used to... My own mod which uses that robe appearance however does NOT work, neither does Kahlan Outfit... There is to my frustration no pattern I can detect, though.

I must admit that I have cheated in DLC that normally requires authorization (Dalish Ring one of them), so will probably uninstall and reinstall again, just to make sure that any hacked DLC (edit:) DOESN'T create problems.

They did work in 1.02a though.... :-S

Nah, I'm completely at a loss - despite that I'm a tester by trade. :-)

Edited by maaaaaaaaap
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Short answer is that 1.03 and 1.04 screws up the behavior of the additem scripts used to load a lot of the custom content. Rather than just scanning to see if the NEW character has the items spawned yet, they see that OLD characters have spawned the items and thus they don't see the need to spawn them on the New one.

Like Thandal said, if you disable those mods before starting the new toon and then re-enable them when you get to a savepoint, it's a get-around for the bug.


Also, I know what you are referring to. But due to the rules regarding pirated material, and some folks that are trigger-happy on the "report trigger" you MIGHT want to go back and rephrase that about the "hacked DLC's" comment.

Simply not letting the game authorize your purchased content isn't illegal. But some of the members on this site may not know that, and some of the other staffers here on the site aren't completely familiar with the Dragon Age game. So you might wanna avoid that type of phrasing, just to avoid any possible trouble ;)

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