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jonathan160899 - BANNED

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jonathan160899 banned.




Reason for the ban

Uploading mod reflecting a modern conflict, that is not only just pretty much propaganda but racist.


File removed: - Israel Wasteland.


You the Courier have been chosen by the general of the Israeli Defense Forces to take part in an adventure 12000 km away from home, you'll meet new people, soldiers, look at the Israeli Wasteland and help to fight off terror.

You will be taken into the war torn area of Gaza and together with brave soldiers, advanced robots and technology, will defeat terror at its peak level,

You have been chosen to save a whole country, a whole nation, you have the power to do it.


In this note the Israel Defense Forces declares The Courier as a big ally and friend, The Courier participated in the battle to remove terror from the Gaza Strip, and aided the militery in it's tasks and mission.

The Courier shouldn't be attacked or hated by any faction or personalities . albeit the Israel Defence Forces will send it's warning letter to the same group or person, be warned though the IDF has secret bases in the United States and Israel holds the alliiance of the Brotherhood of Steel, The new California Republic and Caesars Legion.

The IDF has signed a non attack treaty by The Courier's allies against him.

Not under any circumstances the Courier should be attacked.


Having pride in your armed forces is fine but when we add to the fact in the mod you are sent to kill "Arab" leaders, rather then any form of terrorist group or raiders takes it to far.


The clincher however is your little note in the mod that makes it clear this is pure racism at its finest.


Dear player, this is the end of the mod, hopefuly you have enjoyed playing it, because it was a big fun to create it.


One of my main goals of making this mod is to show the everyday life of the Israeli people, as someone who lived in Israel for 25 years, served in it's army and knows a lot about it.

Of course, like in every democratic country everyone have free access everywhere, even terrorists and arabs can freely go everywhere, unfortunately sometimes terrorists in prisons get paid from our tax money.


As someone who is a lover of his country, I speak for all of my kind of people,

Israel is our only country, for the Jewish people, it was our country for more then 3000 years! But we were expelled by many conquerers. We been here first before anyone else, and by that I mean before Palestinians (Arabs), which actually got their name from ancient rome who called this land so, but they called the Jews lived here by this name, but our name is people of Israel.


Some people want to live peacefully in our country, we allow it to everyone from all races, but our neighbors love us and send us "Freedom Fighters" who kill citizens such as women and children.


If you think palestinians were here first, so im going to clearify it now,

There's no such thing palestinian land, there's only Israeli land, palestinians were and are occupying our jewish land! If palestinians would have declared this land as country with government and constitution, there would have never been the expelletion of palestinians from this land, but too bad palestinians can't leave far from issues and live in all other 23 arab countries. But they choose to ruin the life of normal people wishing peaceful living in Israel.


The Jewish people always knew expellation and hate since its existance, but today Israel has the most skilled pilots, the strongest army in the Middle East, and strong patriotism that defends its people.


You are always welcome to visit my country although all the problems I mentioned above, we are well defended, but you may be surprised that most of the locations in this mod were not actually precise, but well it's 200 years after.



Big thanks for reading it, it is very important to sound the truth of,

Big Love,


You, and your "mod" have been removed from the site.




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Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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