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Can't fight ion the Arena


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Hey guys, hope you're all doing well. I've started playing Oblivion again, level 34, haven't done much on the main quest, freed Kvatch, that was about it, having too mcuh fun just running around doing side quests etc. I have recently gone back to the Imperial city to fight in the arena a bit. I'm already a Myrmidon in rank. But whenever I tlak to the Battlemaster saying "I'm ready for a match." He always says "You may be ready, but the Arena ain't. COme back between 9 AM and 9 PM." yet, whenever I talk to him it is between those times. Tried it on several different days. And still nothing. Always says the Arena isnt ready. Despite teh fact it obviously is, as it is between those hours and I can still watch matches. Any ideas why this is? I have some Mods installed, Natural Environments, Shorter Grass, Jarrods Texture, Champion of Cyrodiil's Border Forts mods, Cloaks and Capes....nothing that should touch the arena at all whatsoever.


Anyone have any ideas? there some quest I need to complete or something? I'm completely stumped over here. Thanks guys and gals. Have a good night all!

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Guest Tessera

I have my suspicions.


First, try disabling your Champion of Cyrodiil's Border Forts mod and see what happens.


Another, rather extreme thing to try would be to totally reset the Blademaster. Although I know how, I've never actually tried doing that... so before we go there, let's make sure it isn't just a bad mod.

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Well I turned off that Mod. And still nothing. Can't get an arena fight to start. There isn't a quest that if you start, doesn't allow arena fights until the quest is done right?? Cuz I can't think of one. So how do you go about resetting the Battlemaster??
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Guest Tessera
  belal4242 said:
So how do you go about resetting the Battlemaster??


Open the debug console, target the Blademaster and then type "resurrect" <enter> (minus the quotes).


I'm not sure what this will do, as I've never tried it on that particular NPC. Save the game, just before you try this trick. Technically, it should respawn him right where he stands and completely reset his AI.


It's worth a shot.

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