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no spiders mod?


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I just ordered the game of the year edition of oblivion from game stop and I am waiting on it as I type this. I played the game before on the 360 but I ran into a bit of a problem when I realized there were spiders in the game. I don't normally make this much of a deal with spiders in games since they don't really bug me in other games like dragon age and multiple mmos but the spiders in this game just creep me out. I don't know if its their size, the weird way they run towards you by jumping, the way they look, or the fact that half of their body is an ugly half naked chick but it definatley plays at my fear of spiders. Basicly I wouldn't go anywhere past lvl 15 just to avoid seeing any spiders which soured the game for me. So I got the pc version hoping to find a mod that removes the spiders and also to get other mods to enhance the game. But I haven't found a single mod like that and the majority of spider related mods for this game adds more of them and makes them look more realistic.


So can anyone here make a mod that makes it to where I won't see any spiders in the game (not just the daedra spiders but also the ones in the shivering isles expansion). You also have to make it to where no one can summon them in game either because I had that happen to me one time while fighting a conjurer. I doubt this will effect any of the quests since none of them to my knowledge actually involve spiders in them. hopefuly the mod won't conflict with any of the other mods i will be downloading since someone told me that I should download some graphics enhancer mods and other mods like that to start with.


So if any of you are up for making it feel free to tell me and ask me any questions you like. I would have gotten this game on steam but i dont have the money to get it in the bank and i already had a gamestop gift card so yeah the decision was easy.

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I just ordered the game of the year edition of oblivion from game stop and I am waiting on it as I type this. I played the game before on the 360 but I ran into a bit of a problem when I realized there were spiders in the game. I don't normally make this much of a deal with spiders in games since they don't really bug me in other games like dragon age and multiple mmos but the spiders in this game just creep me out. I don't know if its their size, the weird way they run towards you by jumping, the way they look, or the fact that half of their body is an ugly half naked chick but it definatley plays at my fear of spiders. Basicly I wouldn't go anywhere past lvl 15 just to avoid seeing any spiders which soured the game for me. So I got the pc version hoping to find a mod that removes the spiders and also to get other mods to enhance the game. But I haven't found a single mod like that and the majority of spider related mods for this game adds more of them and makes them look more realistic.


So can anyone here make a mod that makes it to where I won't see any spiders in the game (not just the daedra spiders but also the ones in the shivering isles expansion). You also have to make it to where no one can summon them in game either because I had that happen to me one time while fighting a conjurer. I doubt this will effect any of the quests since none of them to my knowledge actually involve spiders in them. hopefuly the mod won't conflict with any of the other mods i will be downloading since someone told me that I should download some graphics enhancer mods and other mods like that to start with.


So if any of you are up for making it feel free to tell me and ask me any questions you like. I would have gotten this game on steam but i dont have the money to get it in the bank and i already had a gamestop gift card so yeah the decision was easy.


There should not be any spiders in oblivion anyway. Are you using any mods?

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I just ordered the game of the year edition of oblivion from game stop and I am waiting on it as I type this. I played the game before on the 360 but I ran into a bit of a problem when I realized there were spiders in the game. I don't normally make this much of a deal with spiders in games since they don't really bug me in other games like dragon age and multiple mmos but the spiders in this game just creep me out. I don't know if its their size, the weird way they run towards you by jumping, the way they look, or the fact that half of their body is an ugly half naked chick but it definatley plays at my fear of spiders. Basicly I wouldn't go anywhere past lvl 15 just to avoid seeing any spiders which soured the game for me. So I got the pc version hoping to find a mod that removes the spiders and also to get other mods to enhance the game. But I haven't found a single mod like that and the majority of spider related mods for this game adds more of them and makes them look more realistic.


So can anyone here make a mod that makes it to where I won't see any spiders in the game (not just the daedra spiders but also the ones in the shivering isles expansion). You also have to make it to where no one can summon them in game either because I had that happen to me one time while fighting a conjurer. I doubt this will effect any of the quests since none of them to my knowledge actually involve spiders in them. hopefuly the mod won't conflict with any of the other mods i will be downloading since someone told me that I should download some graphics enhancer mods and other mods like that to start with.


So if any of you are up for making it feel free to tell me and ask me any questions you like. I would have gotten this game on steam but i dont have the money to get it in the bank and i already had a gamestop gift card so yeah the decision was easy.


There should not be any spiders in oblivion anyway. Are you using any mods?


Looks like he's talking about Spider Daedra (or their hatchlings).

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So can anyone here make a mod that makes it to where I won't see any spiders in the game (not just the daedra spiders but also the ones in the shivering isles expansion).

As Yamcakes said, the ones in the Shivering Isles are big praying mantises. They're also required for some quests, so removing them would pretty much break the game. This mod will keep any Spider Daedra from spawning and will also keep any NPCs from summoning them.

Edited by The_Vyper
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There should not be any spiders in oblivion anyway.



well i knew there werent any spiders in the game except for the spider daedra and there hatchlings but i didnt know the ones from the shivering isles were praying mantis which arent all that scary at all. i will try out the mod the vyper linked to when i finally get the game which also means that i couldnt have modded the game when i dont have it yet except on my 360. but thanks for all the help and wisdom.

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oh yeah and the vypers name made me think of how awesome it would be to have giant snakes like a giant viper or an anaconda to fight in the game. that would be interesting especially if the fights took place in a dark, watery cave or out in a field of tall grass or in the woods. they would also have to be able to sneak around using the dark and enviroment to their advantage, and be able to swim, climb trees, and constrict you but this is but a dream :rolleyes:
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oh yeah and the vypers name made me think of how awesome it would be to have giant snakes like a giant viper or an anaconda to fight in the game.

That would be awesome. I'd love to fight a giant Vipera Xanthina (Ottoman Viper). Image link



he looks like a lot of fun.

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