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Oblivion allows the NPCs to have schedules. Skyrim will without a doubt improve on this. I'm not sure about 30 NPCs. You're asking for both quality and quantity of the NPCs. This simply cannot be done. One or the other will be lacking if they put their love and hard work into just one concept. Both will suffer if they go for both. Edited by CrunchyMoogle
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I believe (and hope) that Bethesda goes for quality over quantity when it comes to populating the cities and towns. After all, the frozen North shouldn't have grand cities with a lot more people than for example Imperial City. For me that wouldn't make sense. :happy:
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I believe the simultaneous count of NPCs in cities or outside of them, depends purely on onscreen poygon count, and not the capabilities of the AI.

Please edit your thread title to reflect your question better. Something like "live cities" should be more descriptive of what you're asking.

Edited by h3Xh3X
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