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Party members never disapprove?


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Is there a mod that makes it impossible for party members to disapprove of plot actions? I would still want the dialogue and everything after the decision, but I can't stand making decisions based on who I have in my party, rather than what I want to do.
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Is there a mod that makes it impossible for party members to disapprove of plot actions? I would still want the dialogue and everything after the decision, but I can't stand making decisions based on who I have in my party, rather than what I want to do.

Welcome, Strang!


Kind of an odd request. You say you "can't stand making decisions based on who you have in your Party" BECAUSE of their reactions?! Ummm, for me, that's kind of a key point of the whole "interact with your Companions" aspect of DA. After all, there are plenty of other games that let us control a group of puppets.


Why not just use the Console Command to "add approval" afterwards, (or there's even the FeastDay schlock so you don't have to learn the Console) if all you want is to keep your Approval Rating high?

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I can sort of see where Strang221 is coming from. My issue is that I like the look and attitude of Morrigan, but not the fact that I have to pander to just the one character in the whole party. I have no issues with others not liking the PC, but as I said, I like Morrigan fo so many reasons - I'd like her to have the apparent appearance and attitude she has, but really to be more of a softy in game. If I didn't like her looks and abilities so much, I wouldn't ordinarily give a proverbial rats arse about her loyalty. But hey, that is just me.
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@TheRoc; Right. She's pretty. And tough. So I want her around. Too bad she dosen't see things the same way I do. Hmmmm... Can't I just "hypnotize" her so that she doesn't actually react the way she would if I weren't controlling her? :rolleyes:


As I said in my original reply: For me, one of the key differences betwen DA and many other "party-based" games is how much independence (meaning, "they don't necessarily think/say/react the way I want them to!") the NPCs have. I'm the one who has to modify *my* actions if I want this-or-that one to stick around/like me.


(And again, just use "addapproval" if you can't live with the consequences of your decisions. It's just a game...)

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