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Sound of Silence?


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Strange thing this one. Im losing certain ambient sounds like the sound of waterfalls, sound from torces and campfires and the likes whenever I open my inventory

or that of an fallen enemy. when I enter a new worldcell the sounds will be back but as soon I try open the inventory or open a chest or fallen enemy again the sound

falls out again. Other sounds like wind or birds or other ambient sounds ( like certain cave or aylied ruins sounds ) are unaffected. Anyone heard anything about this before?

Any suggestions would be appriciated

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This is normal Oblivion function. It is a design flaw, and works this way for everyone. It is the sounds coming from the little red speaker symbols in the render window in the CS that are effected. Other sounds generated through other methods are not effected. I have not heard of any mods that address this design flaw.
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Strange thing this one. Im losing certain ambient sounds like the sound of waterfalls, sound from torces and campfires and the likes whenever I open my inventory

or that of an fallen enemy. when I enter a new worldcell the sounds will be back but as soon I try open the inventory or open a chest or fallen enemy again the sound

falls out again. Other sounds like wind or birds or other ambient sounds ( like certain cave or aylied ruins sounds ) are unaffected. Anyone heard anything about this before?

Any suggestions would be appriciated


After I reloaded my computer (due to harddrive failure), I loaded up oblivion and found that I could hear some sounds but not other sounds - in particular, the sounds that were missing were the lockpicking tumblers and sounds in the inventory. After a great deal of poking at the game and loading different sound mods, I finally stumbled across the reason for my problem - my computer thought that I had surround sound speakers, and I didn't. Once I set the system for only the two speakers that I had, sounds all worked properly.


Something for you to check and see if it applies to you...

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