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Beware of girl type 3 help


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I got Fallout Mod Manager to help with installing mods (obvioulsy) - and am pretty much a noob at actually using them (I showed a friend the mod list that I had from fallout 3, and she was surprised at the loadout wasn't in the best order it could have been in), so you'll have to excuse me if this has been asked before, or seems incredibly stupid - I did a quick check, but couldn't see anything that might have helped.


Anyway, on with the problem.

Going into package manager, then clicking 'beware of girl...', it loads up the install wizard, and there are some invalidation checks on the Archive invalidation page.


It says:

Status Fallout.ini bInvalidateOlderFiles: Not Activated

Status file Fallout - AI!.bsa: File Found

Status Fallout.ini SArchiveList: AI! not implimented


I've installed Archive Invalidation, and activated it (before which, the Fallout - AI!.bsa was Not Activated).

Is anyone able to help?

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Tried that, and it didn't help. If I don't have archive invalidation activated, it only seems to change the middle one.

I've also tried the Tools > Archive Invalidation > Remove Archive Invalidation, and put it back on, but it didn't help.



The description of the error thing below (if it helps) says:

ERROR: bInvalidateOlderFiles=0; older files dont get invalidated.

ERROR: Fallout.ini sArchiveList; Fallout - AI!.bsa or ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated.bsa not implemented, or can't be recognized.


And then followed with the solution about going Tools > Remove Archive Invalidation etc.


I'vefound a bInvalidateOlderFiles in a Fallout_default file, but it was set at 1, not 0.

Edited by Burig
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