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Think I may have screwed up, HELP


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Hi, Im hoping someone can help me out of a situation. I started making a mod a few weeks ago, with the idea of adding some new characters, and quests. So I got the background worked out, and did a flowchart, then set about to learn geck. Didnt realize all the other tools I would need too, but figured there would be some additional learning curves. Well, I ran into a problem last night with activators. This problem was discovered by someone who had FNVEdit. I didnt have that untill last night. Heres the problem though.


During my quest to find meshes and peices for my layout, I may have accendentally deleted some meshes from the places I was looking at. I don't know if this was from GECK crashing or what, but the bottom line is I have some conflict errors. Mostly around the Hidden valley bunkers. I can replace these meshes/walls, but it alwas comes up as conflicts. Im at a loss here. Also there is a reference to mister house offline conflict. I dont know if thats because I used parts of the basement for a room I was working on.


Eitherway, I need someone to look at this that is familiar FNVEdit, or very good at modding, and let me know the bad news. I really dont want to recreate 2 weeks worth of work if this can be salvaged. Anyway the links for the file, are here, if you find the time to look at this. Really bummed out about it, and appreciate any help that anyone could offer. Thanks in advance.




the latest file is fine, the broken activator is nothing right now.


http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39721 <-- mod

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Did you try yourself looking in fnvedit?


The main benefit of fnvedit is how all the references are displayed in a treeview and each reference also will bring up a display on what is conflicting or overriden.


So when you look at your plugin in the worldspaces section you should see the entry and the corresponding vanilla entry right next to it.


Its much different than how it looks in geck and a lot easier to find what you are looking for!

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Did you try yourself looking in fnvedit?


The main benefit of fnvedit is how all the references are displayed in a treeview and each reference also will bring up a display on what is conflicting or overriden.


So when you look at your plugin in the worldspaces section you should see the entry and the corresponding vanilla entry right next to it.


Its much different than how it looks in geck and a lot easier to find what you are looking for!


Roger I did that. Im still reading the PDF file, and there are conflicts, Nothing I do though corrects the conflicts. The major one is a wall in Hidden Valley 4 bunker. I can replace that wall, but it alwas comes up with a conflict. That one shouldnt be too much of a pain, I would just have to put it in the readme file, that I screwed up. The biggest one though is the Mister House Offline though. I dont want to break the game. Theres also another from Foxtrot area, that Im still looking for.


Really Im just looking not to recreate the entire place if I can just salvage and undo the damages. So Im in a holding pattern right now with this thing. I mean its early enough in the layout, that I can do this fairly quicker then when I started out. The first 3-4 days were absolute hell. Now Im still learning, this is my first mod ever, and its gonna be fairly complicated when I get done, but thats what I was shooting for anyway. Actually when I get this complete theres porbable gonna be a small faction to the New Vegas area.

Thats the idea anyway, just didnt plan on this set back.

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Oh i think i see, if u just remove the reference entirely u lose desired work in the area also huh.


I really dont know how world building works tho. maybe someone will be of more help to you.


I hope that when you get things cleared up, u start making backup save files!


I think just doing that will keep you from experiencing this problem again.

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Did you observe my suggestion in the other thread you are posting in? The easiest way to fix unintentional conflicts is to remove your change using fnvedit. If you have created an intentional conflict, for example if you really want to move a wall in the HV bunker, that is a harder problem. That is why most modders do not make changes in existing rooms. Rather, they add a new mine entrance or hatch, and then create a new interior.


If you cannot get fnvedit to remove the object, please let us know where you get stuck.

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Hi David, I did remove the culprits, but there not in the building I created. They were actually removed from the locations I pulled the meshes from. Not really sure how that happened, but there are definitly holes in walls around the place in NV. Not many and I can fix that, the biggest one though is the Mister house problem. I dont know if I just broke the game or not.
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What has happened is that when you were copying from these areas, you accidentally deleted or modified something. That is not fatal, you can fix it all in fnvedit. Suppose you are editing the HV bunker and you accidentally delete a wall without noticing it, then you save your mod file. The mod file contains an entry which says, "go to HV bunker and remove this particular wall". What you are going to do with fnvedit is delete that entry from your mod. Then when you load your mod again, the wall will be back. Does this concept make sense? It is tricky, kind of like removing a "double negative" in a sentence.


So in fnvedit, drill down in the "cell" or "worldspace" list under your mod in fnvedit, until you find the HV bunker. If you did not intentionally make any changes to the bunker, then click on the bunker line, right click, and select "remove". This removes all your changes in the bunker. Save, and go back to the game; everything should be back to normal there.


You can remove all these changes, and these areas will be back to normal.

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Roger keep you posted, I tried several times, but maybe its not saving correctly. I did exactly that and overwrote the mod with the same name, when I exited the program was the only place it asked me if I wanted to save, then I removed the mod from the directory, and renamed the modname.esp.{date} file to the correct name, when I real load FNVEdit, it still comes up with the same errors/conflicts.


BTW, thank you for your responses, and help. FNVEdit is pretty kewl tool, sorry I didnt have this sooner, thanks for turning me on to it.

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This is a confusing part of fnvedit, which it does on purpose in order to keep your load order correct. Load order is partly based on file timestamps.


Suppose you have foo.esp with a timestamp of today at 8:15 am. Then at 10 am you run fnvedit and save your mod. Now you have two files, one is foo.esp with a timestamp of 8:15, and the other is foo.esp.backup.somelongstring.


Even though foo.esp has an old timestamp, *this is the new copy of your file*. Use this one. Don't throw it away and go back to the backup, the backup by definition does not have your changes.

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WHEEW, Everything is kewl, Thank you so much for your help. FNVEdit is a godsend. I was freaking out. Put a lot of time into this damn thing, and still have another months worth of work. At least i can continue on.


I still have no clue how it happened though. Just glad there was a fix. Hats off, the designers of that program. I will be using it a lot more.


Now to get back to the activators.




And thank you Dave. Kudo's to you.

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