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ENB mods no longer work?


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So I recently had a problem with the ENB I use (I think enhanced shaders) and tried to reinstall.


Problem is now ENB mods don't work at all. I just put in the same ENB series, and the same custom ENB preset, and the ENB menu isn't showing up nor is it changing my game in any way.


Anyone know a solution?

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> One, bumping a thread is frowned upon, and much like a slow driver in the fast lane causes irritation and lack of goodwill from everyone else.


> Two, post your mod list/ load order, Saying one mod is busted may be correct but why it broke could be do to mod conflicts or anyhting like that.


> Name of the ENB your talking about? there are quite a lot of them and I need the data point to help. Ex. Enhanced Shaders from 2010 or the new one from 2013?


> Did you install or update the ENB correctly accourding to the mod author's instructions?


> Most likey (offhand anaylysis / guesswork) you unistalled the ENB incorrectly and then reinstalled casuing problems.


>ENB's do change the ini file, have you looked at that and noticed any change or if the values are back at default vanillia

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