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Strange problem with REN's Beautiful People's Hair


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Latest version, dragon age 1.04 with witch hunt and awakening installed among afew other things. I have a character that was using one of the hair styles in the pack from a previous installation and want to continue using him. However, I have to make a new character and use his files to replace my current character in the tool set because his skin tone and eye color were reset. His hair color and style are correct though, I see the modded hair on my character. When I go to make a new character, none of the choices from Ren's mod are available. So in essence, I have the mod working on a current character, but cannot use it on a new character. What's going on?
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Heyas Pat :)

Ok, I'm seeing two ways of reading your post, so I'm going to reply to both of my interpretations.


1) If you are making the new character in the character creator or in the dragon age character gen screen of the actual game.... it sounds like when you reinstalled that you may not have updated your chargenmorphcfg.xml file. Which is why the hair would not be appearing in the CC or the chargen screen ingame. If ren's comes with a chargenmorph file you may need to compile it with the others that you are using. The chargen compiler is a great tool for that. just go to dragonagenexus and click on search along the top. In the file name contains box just type in compiler and search. It will come up ;)


2) If you are trying to do the morph in the toolset, custom hairs don't show up right away in the toolset. You have to change the setting in the dropbox that changes the filetypes that it's looking for, when you are setting the hair model. You'll also have to remember that they don't display correctly either. They look like a blued out mesh only file, with no textures. Shows up right in game, but not in the TS.


Hope that this helps :)

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That did it, thanks a lot. For the record, it was the first answer - I was using the in game creator. One more thing - My plan was to use the toolset to edit my current save to change that character's looks, but I keep getting out of memory errors. I'm on windows 7 x64 and I did the command prompt thing to allow programs to access more ram, and it's still not working. Any tips on that one?
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That did it, thanks a lot. For the record, it was the first answer - I was using the in game creator. One more thing - My plan was to use the toolset to edit my current save to change that character's looks, but I keep getting out of memory errors. I'm on windows 7 x64 and I did the command prompt thing to allow programs to access more ram, and it's still not working. Any tips on that one?

If the ".das" file you're trying to open is larger than about 1GMB, the DA Toolset will never be able to open it. Not sure where the limitation comes from, (MS-SQL Server EE has a 4GB DB limit) but many, many of us have found 1GB for the ".das" it to be a hard ceiling.

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Pat- cool, I'm glad to hear that you got that first one taken care of :thumbsup:


Thandal- I think that you mean 1 M b (Megabyte, not Gigabyte) there bro. ;)


Pat- I think that is an error on Thandal's part. Generally speaking, the toolset is kind of a piece. In most cases if you try to open up a savegame file that is ~1 megabyte in size, it crashes with the generic out of memory error.


I'd recommend the face replacer for what you are trying to do. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=428

with that, you can insert, or extract face morphs into/from your main character's savegame file, regardless of what size the savegame file is.


Now tho, its run via python script. so if you dont already have python installed you'll need to do that. www.python.org I believe is their homepage.


Hope this helps :)

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Pat- I think that is an error on Thandal's part. Generally speaking, the toolset is kind of a piece. In most cases if you try to open up a savegame file that is ~1 megabyte in size, it crashes with the generic out of memory error.

Totally a typo! (Went back and fixed in the post above. But the 4GB limit for MS-SQL EE is accurate.)


Thx for the catch and the clarification, DW!

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