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Recomended mods for morrowind?


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My first choice is Julan Ashlander Companion. You can find it on Emmas Elder Scrolls Site under Kateris mods


Creatures and the wilderness mod add great encounters though some of the new creatures will stick out with MGSO. For creatures be sure to do the required ini tweak. Giants is also recommended to use with the wilderness mod but it adds a tough boss around where Julan is.


for mages, the newest fair magicka regen (second page of nexus not the first) is a must have


For beast races the mod Aduls Leggings will help you out you will have to google it as it is on his own site.


Any mod by Abot


The Vampire Embrace, Hunger, Realism combo is a must for anyone who wants to be a vampire (make a note of the console commands you will need them)


Scripted Spells is good but you have MGSO in order to use it you must disable the enhanced magic sounds as the spells will NOT work with it.


There is a mod that used to be on PES that was really fun called werecrocs enhanced perhaps you can find it and the requires sources on morrowind modding history. if you can't Ravenous Hunger is a good mod as well

Edited by ZZZ02
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