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Lop ears elf 2 body


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Hey everyone I really hate to ask, but I've been searching and testing files trying to figure out which body texture is being used in the mbp ++ lop ear elf 2 race for a while now. I can't seem to locate the base texture. Can anyone that uses this race or has modified the lop ears elf race before tell me where the body texture is located please.


Thank you so much!

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It uses the imperial skin.

Here's the way to find what you asked and other relative info in case you'll need to do so again in the future: Go in the CS and load the mod. Then go to "Character" and click "Race" (it'll open a new window). In the new window, find the race you want, click on it and then click the "Body Data" tab. There you can see which body texture that race is using.


You're welcome. :)

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