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more help needed with kotn


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I have been able to start the quest{pilgrimage} but I cannot complete it. I have two Talos wayshrines but no Mara wayshrine?!? any ideas that does not involve re-installing? already thought of that one...lol update..found out that there are two shrines for each god...just have to explore around area on the wayshrine map.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I know that this is kind of a late response (since you may have found one yourself), but I stumbled upon a wayshrine of Mara when I was playing. It was northwest of Cursed Mine (which is west of Skingrad itself). Hope that helps, and that some mod you are playing is not conflicting there, I am playing several myself, and I found it. Oblivion is a big place, after all.
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