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Help setting up Nifskope to use a new weapon mesh.


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I recently made a weapons mod for a new rifle and it seems to work, but I made a better more organised mesh I would like to use but I have a hard time working with nifskope because I don'e fully understand it yet. The way I got my first mesh into the game was by copying the nitristrips data blocks and pasting them over a similar rifle and it worked but it was very sloppy and caused some problems for some people so I would like to learn the proper way to import a new mesh into Fallout New Vegas. I tried various ways of setting it up today but it kept crashing the geck. I have spent the last two weeks trying to figure out how to setup a weapons mesh and learned a fair bit, the last two days I have been working non stop to try and figure this out but this is as close as I can come and it still crashes the geck. -



I am tired and I have to go to work tomorrow, I am still going to try a few more times tonight but I really don't know what I am doing wrong here. Please somebody with some more experience give me some help so I can finally finish this and relax.


Thanks in advance.

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Ok well it sounds like your question is very much similar to another question that i answered yesterday, so please look on that thread its a couple threads down.





Now if you have some other questions or specific issues like getting the animated parts to be working then pleae ask additional questions!

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Thanks and since you ask, I would like to get the bolt animation working for the original mesh I made. I guess my first question would be about the general process of linking an animation to a part (bolt and/or clip). I don't know anything really about the animation yet but from what I understand is that the bolt and clip have to be seperate parts in order to be able to animate them. Here is a pic for reference -


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Dang just lost my post.


Umm.. where was i.


If u look carefully at the node list then you can see that there are 3 animated nodes on the gun, trigger, bolt and clip


Except for the ##bolt ninode, each of them has a nitransformcontroller in em and a nitristrips node.


The nitristrips node ##bolt:0 u have expanded is a direct child of bsfadenode atm.



I read in a niftools forum post by saiden that i cannot locate atm. That some weapon nifs have animations on them but those are ignored by the game. The character animations involving weapons in the game overrides any animation on the nif. It would be cool if otherwise, but no such luck.


So anyway. I would just right click > node > add node > nitristrips on the ninode named ##bolt. Then add nimaterialproperty and bsshaderpplightingproperty to the added ninode, name it ##bolt:0 then copy the nitristripsdata from the existing ##bolt:0 nitristrips node into the geometry data field of the one you just added, copy bsshadertextureset into the bsshaderpplightingproperty textureset field. and then remove the old ##bolt:0 block.


Maybe i am missing some quick and simple way to parent and unparent nodes in nifskope. Wouldnt mind to hear how to do that .

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Thanks for the info, I did what you said but the bold dissapeared so I screwed around and got it back but the animations still wouldn't play so I did more screwing around copying dara from the hunting rifle and got it working but now I would like to know how I change the motion the animation plays, because the bolt rotates 90 degrees but does not go backwards at all so it is playing part of the animation -



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Why did the bolt disappear? I omitted the part about fixing shader stuff for the bsshaderpplightingproperty u added, maybe that was the reason, sorry.


So Anyway about the animations being applied in the game i think that means that the nicontrollermanager is applied in the game for weapons.

And i dont know if the nicontrollermanager is adding nitransformcontrollers that override the ones in the existing nif, if it does then this may not work.


If you look inside the nitransformdata of the nitransformcontroller you can see that there are translation, scale and rotation keys, I think that when the game calls for the reloading animation to occur it plays these transformations.


You can try comparing the values on the bolt one to the values on a similar weapon that you might find in the bsa.


If there are no translation keys you can type 2 in the num keys field and then click on the green circle arrow thingy to refresh the list.

You only need 2 keys for the simple translation movement and the game will interpolate points inbetween.


Put in the time value on the first key and then copy the translation from the working nif probably some -y value for vector i guess. One key is going to have all 0 values and the other u want to put in a change.


I really dont know if that works unless i try it. hope that it is helping you.

Edited by baduk
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Alright I managed to get the trigger and the clip animations working (I got the bolt working, but the rifle I made is a straight-pull) but I would like to know how I should go about getting the bolt to pull straight back without turning 90 degrees first. I am thinking of copying either the hammer ninode from the lever action or a semiauto animation, then just changing the name to match the bolt and seeing what happens.


Is the mesh animation governed by it's information in nifskope (Ninodes) while the character animations are governed by the info entered into the geck? (attack/reload animations) Here is what I was thinking if I can get the bolt to move back with a different animation like I mentioned before, can I still get the character to grab the bolt or will it use the rest of the animation as well? (the lever coking on a lever action for example)

Edited by pickinthebanjo
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