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Need texture master to texture a ready model


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So Ive been working on an alien weapon based on a killer image by SkipeRcze on devianart ( http://t05.deviantart.net/iTdrgBkPiG3dfhpv0gPMb1FAFQE=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre02/8233/th/pre/i/2013/086/7/f/plasma_gun_concept_by_skipercze-d5zgssy.jpg ). Thing is Im really bad at texturing and was wondering if someone was interested in collaborating with me in texturing it and integrating it to FalloutNV and any other game. Hope to find someone good with a computer brush!




Warning: Attempts to contact the person who made the original image have fail, however he or she's been inactive for nearly a year now, if that person comes on and decides he doesn't like the idea, we may have to take it down.

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