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NMM automatically deactivates mods and DLC


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NMM automatically deactivates plugins and DLC's. The plugins.txt file is also empty (unless you use the launcher to activate the plugin files, but then the game crashes).

Does anyone know how to fix this?


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> Shelf Nexus Mod Manger and Try Fallout Mod Manger instead. if the problem is fixed then the issue is with NMM.


> NMM can be buggy as its still in Beta mod, and with the diveristy of rigs and diffrent situations of code etc, it to falls sick from time to time from the Fallout Blues


> If the issue persisits then its a bigger problem then using the right application.


> As for using the launcher (the default launcher) you have no control over load order and that is what is casuing your game to crash, becasue load order is key to running multiple mods effectifly.

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