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First person sneak speed


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I was wondering if anybody knows how to modify the movement speed for sneak animations in first person ? I downloaded custom animations for sneak mode which work well in third person, but when I switch to first person, it moves at sneakfastforward speed (nigh triple speed).


I checked in nifskope, but there's so many bones, anybody know the specific one that modify first person speed ?



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Speed is one of the nightmares when making animations. There is no bone you can change to do that. And you can't change fps in Blender. Because if you do that for 3rd person anims you will not see any speed change 3rd but only in 1st person, exactly what you are experiencing. I fell victim to that strange behaviour with my animations, as apparently did the writer of your sneak.


The only way to slow down animations is to change frequency AND the end text key with NifSkope, as described in Sephs Hand to Hand Animation Replacer „Battle Constructor“ Read me.doc. But first you should try to fix it by removing your current 3rd person sneak (and tell if this fixes the problem, please).

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Found the problem while experimenting in Nifskope, I will share it here as it could help those that encounter a similar problem.


My stop time was 3.1333, .33 an infinite decimal. The game was seemingly confused with the decimal and couldn't recognize the stop time of the animation, thus the game didn't use it and instead used the sneakfastforward speed.


I simply changed the stop time to 3.1334 to stop the infinite loop, and the problem was fixed.

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Found the problem while experimenting in Nifskope, I will share it here as it could help those that encounter a similar problem.


My stop time was 3.1333, .33 an infinite decimal. The game was seemingly confused with the decimal and couldn't recognize the stop time of the animation, thus the game didn't use it and instead used the sneakfastforward speed.


I simply changed the stop time to 3.1334 to stop the infinite loop, and the problem was fixed.

I can only caution about messing around with the stop time in Nifskope. If you don't change stop time and frequency correctly in sync, you can easily get the body explosion/ragdoll effect, see How Fix Your Animation FAQ.


BTW: the stoptime actually is not 3.1333.... Such a number cannot be represented in the system. Its a hexadecimal value which is very close to 3.1333. You can see the hex representation when you move your mouse over the decimal approximation. Try to enter 3.1333 again, and most likely you will not see the same hex value any more.

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